2013-02-22 Remko van der Vossen * Deprecated in favour of grip 2012-05-05 Florian Franzmann * DEPENDS: pass disable parameter for id3lib * DETAILS: version 3.3.1 * PRE_BUILD, grip.834724.patch: removed 2006-03-12 Karsten Behrmann * DETAILS: (automated) Add KEYWORDS 2005-11-29 Seth Woolley * DETAILS: MD5 -> SHA512 2005-04-21 Thomas Houssin * grip.834724.patch: added (security patch) * PRE_BUILD: Added (to apply patch) 2004-07-06 Unet * DETAILS: Bump to 3.2.0 * DEPENDS: Fixed bus #6959 2004-03-07 Unet * DETAILS: Bump to 3.1.10 2004-03-10 Unet * DETAILS: Bump to 3.1.5 2004-02-22 Unet * DEPENDS: cdparanoia -> depends 2004-01-30 Unet * DEPENDS: added vte 2003-11-21 Eric Sandall * DEPENDS: Added id3lib as optional 2003-11-19 Unet * DETAILS: Bump to 3.1.3 * HISTORY: Format 2003-07-13 Unet * Bump to 3.1.1 2003-04-12 Robin Cook * Added patches to convert to gnome2 2003-03-29 Unet * Bump to 3.0.6! 2003-01-30 Unet * bumped to 3.0.5!!! 2003-01-28 Unet * bumped to 3.0.4 2002-10-09 Andrew * version up to 3.0.3 2002-07-26 Unet * fixed DEPENDS file & name of tarball 2002-07-25 Unet * Updated to 3.0.1 2002-06-12 Unet * Created this.