2021-08-01 Ismael Luceno * DETAILS: updated spell to 1.8.7 * DEPENDS: updated dependencies, lastfm requires libdispatch & clang * PRE_BUILD, patches/musl_strdupa.patch: fixed build against musl 2019-05-18 Ismael Luceno * DEPENDS: Update dependency; s/gettext/GETTEXT/ 2016-07-26 Ismael Luceno * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.7.2 * DEPENDS: updated dependencies 2015-05-25 Thomas Orgis * DETAILS: remove SOURCEFORGE_URL usage (automated) 2014-08-06 Ladislav Hagara * DETAILS: 0.6.2 * PRE_BUILD, libzip.patch: removed 2014-04-05 Vlad Glagolev * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.6.1; updated descriptions 2013-12-10 Vlad Glagolev * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.6.0 * CONFIGURE: added missing config options * DEPENDS: re-enabled recent ffmpeg support 2013-09-23 Vlad Glagolev * DEPENDS: readability++; fixed libsndfile flags; added disable flag for disabled gtk+3 operation; added missing gettext and dbus optional dependencies; added timidity suggest dependency; corrected libcdio and libcddb dependency order; added flags for ALAC; fixed ffmpeg support * BUILD: added, to keep DEADBEEF_OPTS * FINAL: added, to rebuild gtk icon cache 2012-11-09 Ladislav Hagara * DETAILS: 0.5.6 2012-06-04 Sukneet Basuta * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.5.5 * CONFIGURE: gtk+3 support no longer experimental 2012-05-11 Sukneet Basuta * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.5.4 * libzip.patch: updated line location 2012-04-09 Sukneet Basuta * DETAILS: updated spell to 0.5.2 * DEPENDS: added depends for gtk+3 for gtk+2 added optional_depends for alsa, pulseaudio, faad2, libzip, libsamplerate, libc11, & imlib2 added proper flags where applicable * CONFIGURE: Added for gtk+3 option * PRE_BUILD: Added to apply patch * libzip.patch: added to include proper path for zipconf.h 2011-06-30 Ladislav Hagara * DETAILS: 0.5.1 2011-05-18 Ladislav Hagara * DETAILS: 0.5.0 2011-04-04 Ladislav Hagara * DETAILS: 0.4.4, gz -> bz2 2010-03-08 Sukneet Basuta * DEPENDS, DETAILS: spell created