SPELL=sndio VERSION=1.7.0 SOURCE="$SPELL-$VERSION.tar.gz" WEB_SITE="https://www.sndio.org/" SOURCE_URL[0]=$WEB_SITE/$SOURCE SOURCE_HASH=sha512:f9db7bad5f30e8790488c4d20198c8a5a51f04f94e4b1067eadd7fe0fcc6f6ced3250173a627439d661dcf6faabc7bc4786b30af013788a5c88d972f1c9dc1f8 SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$BUILD_DIRECTORY/$SPELL-$VERSION" LICENSE[0]="ISC" ENTERED=20170207 KEYWORDS="" SHORT="Audio and MIDI framework" cat << EOF Sndio is a small audio and MIDI framework part of the OpenBSD project and ported to FreeBSD, Linux and NetBSD. It provides a lightweight audio & MIDI server and a fully documented user-space API to access either the server or directly the hardware in a uniform way. Sndio is designed to work for desktop release-service, but pays special attention to synchronization mechanisms and reliability required by music release-service. Reliability through simplicity are part of the project goals. EOF