. $GRIMOIRE/libaccount . $GRIMOIRE/libgcc #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Replaces sorcerys default_build with a custom version using ## the invoke_gcc function from libgcc #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_build () { invoke_gcc && real_default_build } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @return 0 if glibc was compiled with NPTL ## @return 1 otherwise ## ## Detects if the current glibc includes NPTL support. ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function glibc_is_nptl () { if getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION | grep -q NPTL; then return 0 fi return 1 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runs update-desktop-database if it is installed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_desktop_database () { if test -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Updating application mime type database.${DEFAULT_COLOR}" /usr/bin/update-desktop-database fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## this function installs the *.desktop, start* files and qingy links ## this function is intended to be used by spells for windowmanagers #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function install_wmfiles () { local wm_desktopfile_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/share/xsessions" local wm_startwm_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/bin" # install the start* file for the windowmanager if it's not # installed already if [ -f ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/start${SPELL} ] ; then if ! [ -e ${wm_startwm}/start${SPELL} ] ; then install -m 755 ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/start${SPELL} \ ${wm_startwm_dir} fi fi # making sure the destination directory exists if ! [ -d ${wm_desktopfile_dir} ] ; then mkdir ${wm_desktopfile_dir} fi && # install the windowmanagers desktop file if [ -f ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}.desktop ] ; then if ! [ -e ${wm_desktopfile_dir}/${SPELL}.desktop ]; then install -m 755 ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}.desktop \ ${wm_desktopfile_dir} fi fi if ( spell_ok qingy ); then if [ -x ${wm_startwm_dir}/start${SPELL} ] ; then if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/qingy/xsessions ]; then install -d -m 755 ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/qingy/xsessions fi && ln -s ${wm_startwm_dir}/start${SPELL} \ ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/qingy/xsessions/${SPELL} fi fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Sets the current script to run only one make job #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function make_single () { JOBS_PER_HOST=0 && MAKE_NJOBS=1 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Re-enables the normal Sorcery make (cancels single_make) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function make_normal () { source $COMPILE_CONFIG } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param shellname ## @param full path to shell ## ## Adds a shell to /etc/shells and optionally to qingy's sessions #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function install_shell () { local qingy_session_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/qingy/sessions" if [ -z "$1" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}no shell name specified, aborting${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && if [ ! -e "$2" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR} $2 isn't executable, no use adding it as a shell${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && #installing shell into /etc/shells message "installing $1 into /etc/shells" if ! ( grep -q "^${2}$" ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/shells ) ; then echo "$2" >> ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/shells fi || return 1 #installing shell into qingy's session dir if it's installed if ( spell_ok qingy ) && ! [ -f ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 ] ; then message "installing $1 into $qingy_session_dir" echo "$2" > ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 && chmod 0755 ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param shellname ## @param full path to shell ## ## Removes a shell from /etc/shells and optionally from qingy's sessions #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function remove_shell () { local qingy_session_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/qingy/sessions" if [ -z "$1" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}no shell name specified, aborting${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && if [ -z "$2" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}no shell path specified, aborting${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && #removing shell from /etc/shells if [ -f /etc/shells ] ; then sedit "\:^$2$:d" /etc/shells fi # and optionally from qingy's session dir if [ -f ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 ] ; then message "removing $1 from $qingy_session_dir" rm -f ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## replacement for config_query_string to work around a short timeout ## when entering long strings (hostnames, organisation names) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function config_query_long_string() { local ANSWER local DELAY=5 if config_get_option "$1" ANSWER; then # option allready answered in config echo -e "[[ ${QUERY_COLOR}$2${DEFAULT} -> '${QUERY_COLOR}$ANSWER${DEFAULT}' ]]" else query_string ANSWER "$2" "$3" read -t $DELAY -n 1 ANSWER_first if [[ $ANSWER_first ]] ; then read ANSWER_rest fi ANSWER="${ANSWER_first}${ANSWER_rest}" config_set_option "$1" "$ANSWER" fi return 0 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param Directory with files we might want to install ## @param Destination directory (optional) ## ## Installs files to WWW_DEST ($INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/www/$SPELL) and ## sets up proper www-data permissions ## Optionally the second parameter will override WWW_DATA (and make ## sure INSTALL_ROOT exists only once in the WWW_DATA) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function install_www_files () { if [ ! -z $2 ]; then # # Just in case the destination already includes INSTALL_ROOT, remove it # local WWW_DEST="$INSTALL_ROOT/${2/\$INSTALL_ROOT/}" else local WWW_DEST="$INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/www/$SPELL" fi && # # Make sure the www-data user exists # Not sure if this will work :/ create_account www-data # # Make sure WWW_DEST exists # if [ ! -d "$WWW_DEST" ]; then if [ ! -d "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL/}" ]; then mkdir -p "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL/}" && chmod 0755 "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL/}" && chown www-data:www-data "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL/}" fi && mkdir -p "$WWW_DEST" && chmod 0755 "$WWW_DEST" && chown www-data:www-data "$WWW_DEST" fi && # find $@ | while read file; do install ... $file ...; done # find $1 -type -f | while read file; do for www_file in `find $1 -type f`; do if install_config_file "$www_file" "$WWW_DEST/$www_file"; then chmod 0644 "$WWW_DEST/$www_file" && chown www-data:www-data "$WWW_DEST/$www_file" fi done # # Warning message about new location for www files # Remove around 2005-08-02 (one month in test, another in stable, supposedly) # message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Your web files have been moved out of the" \ "APACHE specific locations (apache2/htdocs, httpd/htdocs, etc.)" \ "and into a shared, non-DocumentRoot $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/www" \ "directory. You can modify your web server to point there for" \ "these files now.${DEFAULT_COLOR}" } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Removes traces of NSPR and NSS from Mozilla-based software ## TODO move patch to a central place #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function mozilla_remove_nspr_nss() { message 'Checking Mozilla source code...' && [[ "$(basename $(pwd))" == mozilla ]] && message 'Checking the spell...' && [[ -f $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/security_manager_makefile.diff ]] && patch -p1 < $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/security_manager_makefile.diff && rm -fr dbm nsprpub security/nss && # exclude DBM for top-level modules and don't build it sedit 's@\@@g' Makefile.in && sedit 's@\@@g' build/unix/modules.mk && # don't define NSS libraries as dependencies and don't look for them in the tree sedit 's@$(DIST)/lib/$(LIB_PREFIX)\(crmf\|dbm\|nss3\|softokn3\|smime3\|ssl3\)\.$(LIB_SUFFIX)@-l\1@g' config/config.mk && sedit 's@NSS_DEP_LIBS\s*=@__undefine_\0@g' config/config.mk && # align the makefile-s find -name Makefile.in | while read __MAKEFILE; do # use system NSPR's and NSS's headers # option `--with-system-nspr' doesn't do it everywhere sedit 's@-I\S*\(nss\|nspr\)\>@-I/usr/include/\1@g' $__MAKEFILE done } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Returns the kernel version checks linux then linux-new (for now) and ## then uname for the kernel version #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_kernel_version() { local KVER=$(installed_version linux) if [[ $KVER ]] ; then echo $KVER else KVER=$(installed_version linux-new) if [[ $KVER ]] ; then echo $KVER else KVER=$(uname -r) echo $KVER fi fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Invokes the unamechange spell any spell that uses this should depend on ## unamechange otherwise this function does nothing. ## to use this function simply call then change the variables listed ro have ## any call to uname return that value #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function invoke_uname_change() { if [[ $(installed_version unamechange) ]] ; then export UNAME_CHANGE_SYSNAME=$(uname -s) export UNAME_CHANGE_NODENAME=$(uname -n) export UNAME_CHANGE_RELEASE=$(uname -r) export UNAME_CHANGE_VERSION=$(uname -v) export UNAME_CHANGE_MACHINE=$(uname -m) export UNAME_CHANGE_DOMAINNAME=$(uname -o) export LD_PRELOAD="${LD_PRELOAD} /usr/lib/unamechange.so" fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Returns the state of the system back to normal after calling ## invoke_uname_change unset's all environmental vars and returns ## LD_PRELOAD back to normal #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function devoke_uname_change() { if [[ $(installed_version unamechange) ]] ; then unset UNAME_CHANGE_SYSNAME unset UNAME_CHANGE_NODENAME unset UNAME_CHANGE_RELEASE unset UNAME_CHANGE_VERSION unset UNAME_CHANGE_MACHINE unset UNAME_CHANGE_DOMAINNAME export LD_PRELOAD="${LD_PRELOAD/\/usr\/lib\/unamechange.so/}" fi } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get the running kernel config status of a some part of the kernel ## given by $1. Used for spells that don't have linux triggers ## ## $1 string Config variable to look for #----------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_running_kernel_config() { local KVER # use proc interface because even inside a uname change invoke this # still returns the version of the running kernel if [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease ] ; then KVER=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease) else # apparently you don't have proc mount KVER=$(uname -r) fi if [ -f /proc/config.gz ] ; then echo $(zgrep "^$1=" /proc/config.gz | awk -F= '{ print $2 }') elif [ -f /boot/config-$KVER ] ; then echo $(grep "^$1=" /boot/config-$KVER | awk -F= '{ print $2 }') elif [ -f /usr/src/linux-$KVER/.config ] ; then echo $(grep "^$1=" /usr/src/linux-$KVER/.config | awk -F= '{ print $2 }') else echo "-1" fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get the config status of some part of the kernel sorcery says is ## installed. Used by spells that have linux triggers. ## ## $1 string Config var to look for #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_sorcery_kernel_config() { local KVER=$(get_kernel_version) if [ -f /boot/config-$KVER ] ; then echo $(grep "^$1=" /boot/config-$KVER | awk -F= '{ print $2 }') elif [ -f /usr/src/linux-$KVER/.config ] ; then echo $(grep "^$1=" /usr/src/linux-$KVER/.config | awk -F= '{ print $2 }') else echo "-1" fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Compatibility code for gracefully failing if the user uses an older ## version of sorcery with a spell that calls unpack_file. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare -f unpack_file &> /dev/null || function unpack_file() { message "This spell uses a function only available in sorcery 1.12.2 or newer, please update." return 1 }