. $GRIMOIRE/libaccount . $GRIMOIRE/libgcc . $GRIMOIRE/config_query_multi.function QT4DIR=$INSTALL_ROOT/opt/qt4 QT5DIR=$INSTALL_ROOT/opt/qt5 qt5_build() { PATH="$QT5DIR/bin:$PATH" # qmake uses its own flag settings export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$QT5DIR/lib/pkgconfig" qmake QMAKE_CONFIG="$OPTS" QMAKE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" QMAKE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"\ PREFIX=${1-$QT5DIR} LIBDIR=$QT5DIR/lib *.pro && make } function qt5_cmake_build() { PATH="$QT5DIR/bin/:$PATH" && export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$QT5DIR/lib/pkgconfig" && export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$QT5DIR/lib/cmake" && cmake_build ${1-$QT5DIR} } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## This function automatically fixes any known bad paths #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_grimoire_post_install () { real_default_sorcery_post_install && # currently a no-op if [[ $STAGED_INSTALL == off ]]; then return 0 fi && pushd TRANSL &> /dev/null && if [[ -d usr/man ]]; then echo Fixing bad install path: /usr/man && mv -v usr/man usr/share fi && if [[ -d usr/info ]]; then echo Fixing bad install path: /usr/info && mv -v usr/info usr/share fi && if [[ -d usr/local/man ]]; then echo Fixing bad install path: /usr/local/man && mv -v usr/local/man usr/share fi && if [[ -d usr/local/info ]]; then echo Fixing bad install path: /usr/local/info && mv -v usr/local/info usr/share fi && popd &> /dev/null } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Replaces sorcerys default_pre_build with a custom version using ## the invoke_gcc function from libgcc #10641 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_pre_build () { invoke_gcc && real_default_pre_build } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @return 0 if glibc was compiled with NPTL ## @return 1 otherwise ## ## Detects if the current glibc includes NPTL support. ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function glibc_is_nptl () { [ musl = "${HOST##*-}" ] && return 0 if getconf GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION | grep -q NPTL; then return 0 fi return 1 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runs update-desktop-database if it is installed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function update_desktop_database () { if test -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Updating application mime type database.${DEFAULT_COLOR}" /usr/bin/update-desktop-database fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## this function installs the *.desktop, start* files and qingy links ## this function is intended to be used by spells for windowmanagers #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function install_wmfiles () { local wm_desktopfile_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/share/xsessions" local wm_startwm_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/bin" # install the start* file for the windowmanager if it's not # installed already if [ -f ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/start${SPELL} ] ; then if ! [ -e ${wm_startwm}/start${SPELL} ] ; then install -m 755 ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/start${SPELL} \ ${wm_startwm_dir} fi fi # making sure the destination directory exists if ! [ -d ${wm_desktopfile_dir} ] ; then mkdir ${wm_desktopfile_dir} fi && # install the windowmanagers desktop file if [ -f ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}.desktop ] ; then if ! [ -e ${wm_desktopfile_dir}/${SPELL}.desktop ]; then install -m 755 ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/${SPELL}.desktop \ ${wm_desktopfile_dir} fi fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Sets the current script to run only one make job #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function make_single () { JOBS_PER_HOST=0 && MAKE_NJOBS=1 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Re-enables the normal Sorcery make (cancels single_make) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function make_normal () { source $COMPILE_CONFIG } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param shellname ## @param full path to shell ## ## Adds a shell to /etc/shells and optionally to qingy's sessions #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function install_shell () { local qingy_session_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/qingy/sessions" if [ -z "$1" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}no shell name specified, aborting${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && if [ ! -e "$2" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR} $2 isn't executable, no use adding it as a shell${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && #installing shell into /etc/shells message "installing $1 into /etc/shells" if ! ( grep -q "^${2}$" ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/shells ) ; then echo "$2" >> ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/shells fi || return 1 #installing shell into qingy's session dir if it's installed if ( spell_ok qingy ) && ! [ -f ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 ] ; then message "installing $1 into $qingy_session_dir" echo "$2" > ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 && chmod 0755 ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param shellname ## @param full path to shell ## ## Removes a shell from /etc/shells and optionally from qingy's sessions #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function remove_shell () { local qingy_session_dir="${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/qingy/sessions" if [ -z "$1" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}no shell name specified, aborting${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && if [ -z "$2" ] ; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}no shell path specified, aborting${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi && #removing shell from /etc/shells if [ -f /etc/shells ] ; then sedit "\:^$2$:d" /etc/shells fi # and optionally from qingy's session dir if [ -f ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 ] ; then message "removing $1 from $qingy_session_dir" rm -f ${qingy_session_dir}/$1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## replacement for config_query_string to work around a short timeout ## when entering long strings (hostnames, organisation names) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function config_query_long_string() { local ANSWER local DELAY=5 if config_get_option "$1" ANSWER; then # option allready answered in config echo -e "[[ ${QUERY_COLOR}$2${DEFAULT} -> '${QUERY_COLOR}$ANSWER${DEFAULT}' ]]" else query_string ANSWER "$2" "$3" read -t $DELAY -n 1 ANSWER_first if [[ $ANSWER_first ]] ; then read ANSWER_rest fi ANSWER="${ANSWER_first}${ANSWER_rest}" config_set_option "$1" "$ANSWER" fi return 0 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## Returns the location that the www files are installed to ## An attempt to get install_www_files configurable #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_install_www_files_dir () { echo "/usr/share/www/" } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param Directory with files we might want to install ## @param Destination directory (optional) ## ## Installs files to WWW_DEST ($INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/www/$SPELL-$VERSION) and ## sets up proper www-data permissions ## Optionally the second parameter will override WWW_DATA (and make ## sure INSTALL_ROOT exists only once in the WWW_DATA) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function install_www_files () { if [ ! -z $2 ]; then # # Just in case the destination already includes INSTALL_ROOT, remove it # local WWW_DEST="$INSTALL_ROOT/${2/\$INSTALL_ROOT/}" else local WWW_DEST="$INSTALL_ROOT$(get_install_www_files_dir)$SPELL-$VERSION" fi && # # Make sure the www-data user exists # Not sure if this will work :/ create_account www-data # # Make sure WWW_DEST exists # if [ ! -d "$WWW_DEST" ]; then if [ ! -d "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL-$VERSION/}" ]; then mkdir -p "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL-$VERSION/}" && chmod 0755 "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL-$VERSION/}" && chown www-data:www-data "${WWW_DEST/\/$SPELL-$VERSION/}" fi && mkdir -p "$WWW_DEST" && chmod 0755 "$WWW_DEST" && chown www-data:www-data "$WWW_DEST" fi && # find $@ | while read file; do install ... $file ...; done # find $1 -type -f | while read file; do for www_file in `find $1 -type f`; do if install_config_file "$www_file" "$WWW_DEST/$www_file"; then chmod u+r,g+r,o-wx "$WWW_DEST/$www_file" && chown www-data:www-data "$WWW_DEST/$www_file" fi done # # Warning message about new location for www files # Remove around 2005-08-02 (one month in test, another in stable, supposedly) # message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Your web files have been moved out of the" \ "APACHE specific locations (apache2/htdocs, httpd/htdocs, etc.)" \ "and into a shared, non-DocumentRoot $INSTALL_ROOT$(get_install_www_files_dir)" \ "directory. You can modify your web server to point there for" \ "these files now.${DEFAULT_COLOR}" } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Apply patches from a directory #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function apply_patch_dir() { [ -d "$SPELL_DIRECTORY/$1" ] || return 0 find "$SPELL_DIRECTORY/$1" \( -name \*.patch -o -name \*.diff \) -print0 | sort -zV | xargs -0 -n 1 -t patch -fp1 -i } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Removes traces of NSPR and NSS from Mozilla-based software ## TODO move patch to a central place #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function mozilla_remove_nspr_nss() { message 'Checking Mozilla source code...' && [[ "$(basename $(pwd))" == mozilla ]] && message 'Checking the spell...' && if [[ -f $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/security_manager_makefile.diff ]]; then patch -p1 < $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/security_manager_makefile.diff else true # No security patch needed fi && rm -fr dbm nsprpub security/nss && # exclude DBM for top-level modules and don't build it sedit 's@\@@g' Makefile.in && sedit 's@\@@g' build/unix/modules.mk && # don't define NSS libraries as dependencies and don't look for them in the tree sedit 's@$(DIST)/lib/$(LIB_PREFIX)\(crmf\|dbm\|nss3\|softokn3\|smime3\|ssl3\)\.$(LIB_SUFFIX)@-l\1@g' config/config.mk && sedit 's@NSS_DEP_LIBS\s*=@__undefine_\0@g' config/config.mk && # align the makefile-s find -name Makefile.in | while read __MAKEFILE; do # use system NSPR's and NSS's headers # option `--with-system-nspr' doesn't do it everywhere sedit 's@-I\S*\(nss\|nspr\)\>@-I/usr/include/\1@g' $__MAKEFILE done } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Returns the kernel version checks linux then linux-new (for now) and ## then uname for the kernel version #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_kernel_version() { local KVER=$(installed_version linux) if [[ $KVER ]] ; then echo $KVER else KVER=$(installed_version linux-new) if [[ $KVER ]] ; then echo $KVER else KVER=$(grep version /usr/src/linux/.config | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2) if [ $KVER ] && [ -d "/lib/modules/${KVER}/build" ] ; then echo $KVER else KVER=$(uname -r) echo $KVER fi fi fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Invokes the unamechange spell any spell that uses this should depend on ## unamechange otherwise this function does nothing. ## to use this function simply call then change the variables listed ro have ## any call to uname return that value #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function invoke_uname_change() { if [[ $(installed_version unamechange) ]] ; then export UNAME_CHANGE_SYSNAME=$(uname -s) export UNAME_CHANGE_NODENAME=$(uname -n) export UNAME_CHANGE_RELEASE=$(uname -r) export UNAME_CHANGE_VERSION=$(uname -v) export UNAME_CHANGE_MACHINE=$(uname -m) export UNAME_CHANGE_DOMAINNAME=$(uname -o) export LD_PRELOAD="${LD_PRELOAD} /usr/lib/unamechange.so" fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Returns the state of the system back to normal after calling ## invoke_uname_change unset's all environmental vars and returns ## LD_PRELOAD back to normal #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function devoke_uname_change() { if [[ $(installed_version unamechange) ]] ; then unset UNAME_CHANGE_SYSNAME unset UNAME_CHANGE_NODENAME unset UNAME_CHANGE_RELEASE unset UNAME_CHANGE_VERSION unset UNAME_CHANGE_MACHINE unset UNAME_CHANGE_DOMAINNAME export LD_PRELOAD="${LD_PRELOAD/\/usr\/lib\/unamechange.so/}" fi } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get the kernel config status of the kernel option specified by $2. ## Kernel version is given by $1. ## ## If a configure file is found print the requested config status (if ## any) and return 0, otherwise return 1. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_kernel_config_ver() { local i for i in /proc/config /boot/config-"$1" /lib/modules/"$1"/build/.config do if [ -f "$i" ]; then cat "$i" && break elif [ -f "$i.gz" ]; then zcat "$i.gz" && break elif [ -f "$i.bz2" ]; then bzcat "$i.bz2" && break elif [ -f "$i.xz" ]; then xzcat "$i.xz" && break elif [ -f "$i.lzma" ]; then xzcat "$i.lzma" && break fi done | grep "^$2=" | awk -F= '{ if ($2) { print $2 }; exit (!$2) }' } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get the running kernel config status of the running kernel option ## given by $1. ## ## See also: get_specified_kernel_config #----------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_running_kernel_config() { get_kernel_config_ver $(get_running_kernel_version) "$1" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get the config status of some part of the kernel sorcery says is ## installed. Used by spells that have linux triggers. ## ## $1 string Config var to look for #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_sorcery_kernel_config() { get_kernel_config_ver $(get_kernel_version) || echo "-1" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Compatibility code for gracefully failing if the user uses an older ## version of sorcery with a spell that calls unpack_file. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare -f unpack_file &> /dev/null || function unpack_file() { message "This spell uses a function only available in sorcery 1.12.2 or newer, please update." return 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default build for Python2 spell. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_build_python() { python2 setup.py build "$@" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default build for Python 3 spell. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_build_python3() { LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 python3 setup.py build "$@" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default install for Python spell. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_install_python() { python2 setup.py install --root "$INSTALL_ROOT/" "$@" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default install for Python 3 spell. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_install_python3() { LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 python3 setup.py install --root "$INSTALL_ROOT/" "$@" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default build for Perl spell. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_build_perl() { if [ -f Build.PL ]; then perl Build.PL $OPTS && perl Build else perl Makefile.PL $OPTS && make fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Default install for Perl spell. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function default_install_perl() { if [ -f Build.PL ]; then perl Build install else make install fi } #--- ## disable_pic ## A function to smartly disable -DPIC and -fPIC flags ## has one optional parameter: force which forces disable #--- disable_pic() { if [[ "${SMGL_COMPAT_ARCHS[1]}" != "x86_64" ]] && [[ "${SMGL_COMPAT_ARCHS[1]}" != "em64t" ]] && [[ "${SMGL_COMPAT_ARCHS[1]}" != "alpha" ]] || [[ "$1" == "force" ]] then CFLAGS=${CFLAGS//-fPIC} && CFLAGS=${CFLAGS//-DPIC} && CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS//-fPIC} && CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS//-DPIC} fi } #--- ## disable_stack_clash_protection ## A function for disabling -fstack-clash-protection #--- disable_stack_clash_protection() { CFLAGS=${CFLAGS//-fstack-clash-protection} && CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS//-fstack-clash-protection} } #--- ## disable_fexceptions ## A function for disabling -fexceptions #--- disable_fexceptions() { CFLAGS=${CFLAGS//-fexceptions} && CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS//-fexceptions} } #--- ## disable_reject_underlinking ## A function for disabling -fexceptions #--- disable_reject_underlinking() { LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS//-Wl,-z,defs} } # FUnction to tag config files that cannot be tagged by the normal install_config_file method # do NOT call check_if_modified or mark_file_modified ANYWHERE ELSE!!! # # THIS function will go away when it migrates down from devel sorcery # # David Kowis - 11-17-2006 # $1 is the full path to the config file you want tracked. # CALL THIS BEFORE YOU DO THE INSTALLING. You can see the postfix spell for an example. declare -f note_config_files &>/dev/null || function note_config_files() { if check_if_modified "$1"; then mark_file_modified "$1" fi } # Functions for default_build and default_install for waf based build systems # please use this one instead of maunaly calling waf when possible # Disabled caching as this has GREAT potential for borkage # and waf is fast without it as well # The waf disables options between versions and bails out if they are given, # so check first if they are supported.. function waf_build() { local waf_opts="--prefix=$INSTALL_ROOT/usr" && # Some waf not know man, waf angry with man. if ./waf --help | grep -q -- --mandir; then waf_opts="$waf_opts --mandir=$INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/man" fi && # Same with some other options. if ./waf --help | grep -q -- --libdir; then waf_opts="$waf_opts --libdir=$INSTALL_ROOT/usr/lib" fi && if ./waf --help | grep -q -- --nocache; then waf_opts="$waf_opts --nocache" fi && if ./waf --help | grep -q -- --cxxflags=CXXFLAGS; then # Hack added for guitarix, maybe useful for others, too. # Needed to be able to enable C++11 mode. We hope to be able # Slip in something here. Full control ist still in waf's hands and # it probably will add flags as it wants:-/ ./waf configure $waf_opts \ -j $MAKE_NJOBS \ --cxxflags="$CXXFLAGS" \ $OPTS else ./waf configure $waf_opts \ -j $MAKE_NJOBS \ $OPTS fi && ./waf build } function waf_install() { ./waf install } # spells in several sections now need cmake or qt4 cmake_build() { mkdir -p build && cd build && prepare_cmake_flags && if [[ $CMAKE_GEN == Ninja ]];then MAKE=ninja OPTS+=" -G Ninja" else MAKE=make fi && if [[ -z $1 ]];then CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$INSTALL_ROOT/usr" else CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$1" fi && message INSTALL_PREFIX=$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR=share \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR=share/doc \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=include \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR=share/man \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=share/apps/cmake/modules \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=$INSTALL_ROOT/etc \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CM_BUILD_TYPE \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="$CFLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="$CXXFLAGS" \ $OPTS ../ && $MAKE } function cmake_install() { if [[ $CMAKE_GEN == Ninja ]];then ninja install else make install fi } qt4_cmake_build() { PATH="$QT4DIR/bin/:$PATH" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$QT4DIR/lib/pkgconfig" export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$QT4DIR/lib/cmake" && cmake_build ${1-$QT4DIR} } qt4_build() { PATH="$QT4DIR/bin:$PATH" qmake PREFIX=${1-$QT4DIR} $OPTS *.pro && make } # cmake flags use : which is an internal sorcery delimiter. # In order to facilitate the passing of depends flags, use % instead and call # this function at the start of BUILD. Don't use it anywhere else. # Example: # DEPENDS: depends kdelibs4 -DCRUFT%BOOL=FALSE; ... # BUILD: prepare_cmake_flags; ... function prepare_cmake_flags() { OPTS="${OPTS//%/:}" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Print the version of the running kernel. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_running_kernel_version() { # Try the proc interface first because it returns the version of the # running kernel even when unamechange is invoked. [[ -f /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease ]] && cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease || uname -r } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Print the version of the installed linux spell or, lacking that, "-1". ## This is just a wrapper for 'installed_version linux' with the exception ## that this will always print something and not return false. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_sorcery_kernel_version() { installed_version linux || echo "-1" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Print the kernel config status of the installed linux spell for the ## option defined in $1. ## If the linux spell is installed and a configure file is found print ## the requested config status (if any) and return 0, otherwise return ## 1. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_sorcery_kernel_config() { local KVER="$(installed_version linux)" if [[ $KVER ]] then get_kernel_config_ver "$KVER" "$1" else return 1 fi } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Print the kernel config status for the option defined in $1 from the ## kernel defined in USE_KERNEL_VERSION or, lacking that, from either ## the installed linux spell or the running kernel. ## If a configure file is found print the requested config status (if ## any) and return 0, otherwise return 1. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_kernel_config() { if [[ $USE_KERNEL_VERSION ]] then get_kernel_config_ver "$USE_KERNEL_VERSION" "$1" else get_sorcery_kernel_config "$1" || get_running_kernel_config "$1" fi } #--- ## Select SCM branch. If no parameter is given, it assumes a single scm branch. ## ## Saves selected branch in ${SPELL}_BRANCH, and auto-update setting on ## ${SPELL}_AUTOUPDATE. ## ## Usage: ## . ${GRIMOIRE}/FUNCTIONS && ## prepare_select_branch [branch] ... #--- function prepare_select_branch() { local spell=$(get_up_spell_name) && local branch="$spell"_BRANCH && if [[ $# > 1 ]]; then config_query_list $branch "Select one of the available branches:" "$@" else eval $branch=\""${1:-scm}"\" fi && if [[ "${!branch/-*}" = scm ]]; then config_query "$spell"_AUTOUPDATE 'Automatically update on every system update?' n fi } #--- ## Get uppercase spell name with _ instead of - #--- function get_up_spell_name() { echo ${1:-$SPELL} | tr '.+a-z-' '_XA-Z_' } #--- ## Get branch-based/autoupdate-aware version number #--- function get_scm_version() { local spell=$(get_up_spell_name) && local spell_branch="${spell}_BRANCH" && local spell_autoupdate="${spell}_AUTOUPDATE" && if [ "${!spell_autoupdate}" = "y" ]; then echo $(date "+%Y%m%d") else echo ${!spell_branch:-scm} fi } # Move SPELL_OPTS to OPTS # basicly generic OPTS="$SPELL_OPTS $OPTS" function prepare_opts() { # this is here so that config_query_option can be used without # extra junk local up_spell_name=$(get_up_spell_name) && local tempopts="${up_spell_name}_OPTS" && OPTS="${!tempopts} $OPTS" } #--- ## Default configure #--- function default_build_configure() { prepare_opts && OPTS="$OPTS --build=${BUILD}" && #If these switches are used, they _may_ stop distcc and ccache from working # for some spells (bug 3798) # We could write wrappers for all of the possible binaries [[ $CROSS_INSTALL == on ]] && OPTS="$OPTS --host=${HOST}" ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr \ --sysconfdir=${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc \ --localstatedir=${INSTALL_ROOT}/var \ --mandir=${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/share/man \ --infodir=${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr/share/info \ $OPTS } #--- ## Default make #--- function default_build_make(){ make CC="${CC:-cc}" HOSTCC="${HOSTCC:-${CC:-cc}}" } #--- ## Compare if one version is less than another (uses sort from coreutils) #--- function is_version_less() { [ ! $(echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort --version-sort | head -1) = "$2" ] } #--- ## Check if a version is between two others. The range is inclusive. ## @param $1 - first bound ## @param $2 - version that may be in between ## @param $3 - second bound #--- function is_version_between() { # First check if the boundaries have been hit. [[ "$1" == "$2" ]] && return [[ "$2" == "$3" ]] && return # Check both ascending and descending order. # If $1 and $3 are equal, there cannot be anything in between. if is_version_less "$1" "$3"; then is_version_less "$1" "$2" && is_version_less "$2" "$3" else is_version_less "$3" "$2" && is_version_less "$3" "$1" fi } #--- ## Check sanity of a temporary partition ## @param $1 - the partition to check for #--- function check_tmp_noexec() { if [[ -z $1 ]]; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Partition name cannot be empty${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && return 1 fi && if ! mountpoint -q $1; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}There's no $1 mount point, nothing to check.${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 0 fi && if awk -v tmp=$1 '{ if ($2 == tmp) print $4 }' < /proc/mounts | grep -q noexec; then message -n "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Remounting $1 with exec option (required for build)... " && mount -o exec,remount $1 && message "done${DEFAULT_COLOR}" elif awk -v tmp=$1 '{ if ($2 == tmp) print $4 }' < /etc/fstab | grep -q noexec; then message -n "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Restoring $1 mount options... " && mount -o noexec,remount $1 && message "done${DEFAULT_COLOR}" fi } #--- ## Simple version check with force depends ## @params $1 - the spell to check the version of ## @params $2 - the simple version to check against ## (if proper is 2.1.0 then this is 210) ## @params $3 - how many digits to compare against from left to right ## defaults to 99 digits #--- function simple_version_check_force_depends(){ if spell_ok $1 && [[ $(installed_version $1|sed -e 's:^0\.::' -e 's:\.::g' | cut -c-${3:=99}) -lt $2 ]] then force_depends $1 fi } #--- ## Find a file matching some pattern(s) as installed by the chosen ## provider, e.g. /usr/bin/python3 for python3 providing PYTHON. ## @params $1 - spell at hand ## @params $2 - provider name (PYTHON) ## @params $3 - expression for grep #--- function get_spell_provider_file(){ gaze install $(get_spell_provider "$1" "$2") \ | grep "$3" | sort | head -n 1 } #--- ## Trigger an action on dependent spells. Used after checking if ## an incompatible update is scheduled. ## @params $1 - action ## @params $2 - spell at hand #--- function act_dependents() { local action=$1; shift local spell=$1; shift message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}This is a possibly incompatible update of $spell." && message "Figuring out what spells need to be checked for sanity...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" && for each in $(show_up_depends "$spell" 1); do up_trigger $each $action done } #--- ## Trigger check_self on dependent spells. #--- function check_dependents() { act_dependents check_self "$@" } #--- ## Trigger cast_self on dependent spells. #--- function cast_dependents() { act_dependents cast_self "$@" } #--- ## Trigger an action on spells depending on the one at hand if it ## is being updated from an old version. ## Purpose of the optional version filter parameters is to limit the ## triggering to cases of significant difference, like 1.2.x -> 1.3.y instead of ## the smaller difference 1.2.x -> 1.2.y . ## @params $1 - action ## @params $2 - spell at hand ## @params $3 - new version ## @params $4 - command to filter versions with ## @params $5 - and following: arguments to the filter command ## ## Example: act_dependents_on_update check_self $SPELL $VERSION cut -d . -f 1,2 ## This will compare only x.y out of version x.y.z-betaY. #--- function act_dependents_on_update() { local action=$1; shift; local spell=$1; shift; local version=$1; shift; if spell_ok $spell; then local old_version=$(installed_version $spell) local new_version=$version if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then old_version=$(echo "$old_version" | "$@") new_version=$(echo "$new_version" | "$@") fi && if [[ "$new_version" != "$old_version" ]]; then act_dependents "$action" "$spell" fi fi } #--- ## Trigger check_self on dependent spells on update. #--- function check_dependents_on_update() { act_dependents_on_update check_self "$@" } #--- ## Trigger cast_self on dependent spells on update. #--- function cast_dependents_on_update() { act_dependents_on_update cast_self "$@" } #--- ## Trigger check_self on a certain version jump (known ABI breakage). ## You know that a spell changed ABI most recently in version x, so you ## provide this version and the function checks if updating the spell ## crosses version x and hence dependers shall be triggered. ## #params $1 - action ## @params $2 - spell at hand ## @params $3 - new version to be installed ## @params $4 - version of last ABI breakage #--- function act_dependents_versionjump() { local action=$1; shift; local spell=$1; shift; local version=$1; shift; local breaker; if spell_ok "$spell"; then local old_version=$(installed_version "$spell") [[ "$old_version" == "$version" ]] && return # Now, if the versions differ, check if the breaking version is crossed. for breaker in "$@"; do if is_version_between "$old_version" "$breaker" "$version"; then act_dependents "$action" "$spell" return fi done fi } #--- ## Trigger check_self on dependent spells on version jump. #--- function check_dependents_versionjump() { act_dependents_versionjump check_self "$@" } #--- ## Trigger cast_self on dependent spells on version jump. #--- function cast_dependents_versionjump() { act_dependents_versionjump cast_self "$@" } #--- . $GRIMOIRE/glselect.function . $GRIMOIRE/bzr_download.function . $GRIMOIRE/hg_download.function # some spells need lots of disk space # chk_space looks for $1 GB chk_space() { SPACE=`df --output=avail,target -l -BG|grep " /$" |cut -dG -f1 |sed "s/ //g"` if [[ $SPACE -lt "$1" ]];then echo "${PROBLEM_COLOR}insufficient space on root device. $SPELL requires >= $1 GB${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi return 0 }