path: root/python-pypi
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-07-27pylzma: => 0.4.4Vlad Glagolev
2011-07-25scrapy: source $GRIMOIRE/hg_download.function before using hg_downloadBor Kraljič
2011-07-25pymsnt: source $GRIMOIRE/hg_download.function before using hg_downloadBor Kraljič
2011-07-24werkzeug: => 0.7Vlad Glagolev
2011-07-23bpython: => 0.10Vlad Glagolev
2011-07-23urwid: => Glagolev
2011-07-23python-ldap: => 2.4.3Vlad Glagolev
2011-07-20bzr: => 2.3.4Treeve Jelbert
2011-07-16roundup: => 1.4.19Vlad Glagolev
2011-07-12bsddb3: => 5.2.0Treeve Jelbert
2011-07-11Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// Bouter
2011-07-11grecipe-manager: version 0.15.9 and switched to sqlalchemy instead ofArjan Bouter
2011-07-10cherrypy: => 3.2.1Vlad Glagolev
2011-07-03mercurial: => 1.9Treeve Jelbert
2011-07-01calibre: updated to 0.8.8Robin Cook
2011-06-30python-pypi/nose: new spellTreeve Jelbert
2011-06-30pyascii85: new spell, Base85 binary-to-text encoding in PythonVlad Glagolev
2011-06-22networkx: => 1.5Peng Chang (Charles)
2011-06-22pyparsing: => 1.5.5Peng Chang (Charles)
2011-06-22pydot: => 1.0.25Peng Chang (Charles)
2011-06-20pydns: => 2.3.5Vlad Glagolev
2011-06-20suds: fixed hash for new tarballVlad Glagolev
2011-06-20sqlobject: => 1.1.0Treeve Jelbert
2011-06-20fb-python: => 0.4.2Treeve Jelbert
2011-06-18python-pypi/pymc: new spell, MCMC package for pythonPeng Chang (Charles)
2011-06-14psycopg2: => 2.4.2Vlad Glagolev
2011-06-12new spell: fuzzyparsers-0.7.2Treeve Jelbert
2011-06-12python-pypi/baker-1.1: new spellTreeve Jelbert
2011-06-11markupsafe: => 0.12Treeve Jelbert
2011-06-11decorator: => 3.3.1Treeve Jelbert
2011-06-07calibre: forgot the sigArjan Bouter
2011-06-07calibre: version 0.8.4Arjan Bouter
2011-06-05sqlalchemy: => 0.7.1Treeve Jelbert
2011-06-05python-ldap: => 2.4.0Vlad Glagolev
2011-06-04new spell - sqlalchemy-migrateTreeve Jelbert
2011-06-04sqlalchemy: => 0.7.0Treeve Jelbert
2011-06-02mercurial: => 1.8.4Vlad Glagolev
2011-06-01pymsnt: use hg_downloadIsmael Luceno
2011-06-01scrapy: add scm versionIsmael Luceno
2011-05-31new spells: w3lib & scrapyIsmael Luceno
2011-05-31python-pypi/geraldo: new spellTreeve Jelbert
2011-05-30roundup: => 1.4.18Vlad Glagolev
2011-05-29kinterbasdb: corrected HISTORY permsVlad Glagolev
2011-05-28python-pypi/obnam: version 0.17Florian Franzmann
2011-05-28python-pypi/ttystatus: version 0.11Florian Franzmann
2011-05-27bzr: => 2.3.3Treeve Jelbert
2011-05-24matplotlib => 1.0.0Peng Chang (Charles)
2011-05-23python-dateutil: updated setuptools dependency to SETUPTOOLS providerSukneet Basuta
2011-05-23rsa: updated setuptools dependency to SETUPTOOLS providerSukneet Basuta
2011-05-23gitosis: updated setuptools dependency to SETUPTOOLS providerSukneet Basuta