path: root/libs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-04-06libs/xmlada: version 2014Florian Franzmann
2015-04-06libstree: new spell, A generic suffix tree libraryIsmael Luceno
2015-04-04libatomic_ops: => 7.4.0Treeve Jelbert
2015-04-03icu: => 55.1Treeve Jelbert
2015-04-02libffi: added check for glibmmVlad Glagolev
2015-03-29tkdnd: new spell, Tk Drag & DropIsmael Luceno
2015-03-29nanomsg: new spell, socket library that provides several common communication...Ismael Luceno
2015-03-28tktreectrl: new spell, multi-column hierarchical listbox widget for the Tk GU...Ismael Luceno
2015-03-22libva: add sub dependencies, use upstream configure script againThomas Orgis
2015-03-21libtirpc: better fix for also making spells using libtirpc work (p.ex. rpcbind)Thomas Orgis
2015-03-21libtirpc: fix build with libgssglueThomas Orgis
2015-03-21libxml2: unified $PYTHONThomas Orgis
2015-03-21sip: todayThomas Orgis
2015-03-21pyqt4: syntax fixThomas Orgis
2015-03-21sip: define $PYTHON to make it buildThomas Orgis
2015-03-21libdrm: => 2.4.60Treeve Jelbert
2015-03-20pyqt4: fix buildThomas Orgis
2015-03-20libtasn1 4.3Ladislav Hagara
2015-03-17libvdpau: => 1.1Treeve Jelbert
2015-03-16libffi: rewritten UP_TRIGGERSVlad Glagolev
2015-03-16icu: corrected sorting in triggersVlad Glagolev
2015-03-16icu: added libxml2 and raptor to check for triggeringVlad Glagolev
2015-03-16icu: added libicudata to the triggersVlad Glagolev
2015-03-15gettext: add glibc-related triggersVlad Glagolev
2015-03-13libvirt 1.2.13Ismael Luceno
2015-03-13icu: fixed UP_TRIGGERS for correct upgradeVlad Glagolev
2015-03-13glog: new spell, C++ implementation of the Google logging moduleIsmael Luceno
2015-03-13libmemcached 1.0.18Ismael Luceno
2015-03-10libvdpau: => 1.0Treeve Jelbert
2015-03-10oniguruma 4.7.1Ismael Luceno
2015-03-09tzdata: => 2015aVlad Glagolev
2015-03-06Merge branch 'master' into devel-xorg-modularVlad Glagolev
2015-03-06ldns: added libressl build supportVlad Glagolev
2015-03-06pcre: re-enabled build of static librariesVlad Glagolev
2015-03-05libtasn1: => 4.2Treeve Jelbert
2015-03-03Merge branch 'master' into devel-xorg-modularVlad Glagolev
2015-03-03girara: => 0.2.3Vlad Glagolev
2015-03-01Merge branch 'master' into devel-xorg-modularVlad Glagolev
2015-02-28libtomfloat: new spell, Multiple precision floating point arithmetic libraryIsmael Luceno
2015-02-28libtompoly: Fix WEB_SITEIsmael Luceno
2015-02-28libtompoly: new spell, polynomial basis arithmetic libraryIsmael Luceno
2015-02-28libs/libevent: version 2.0.22Florian Franzmann
2015-02-28tomsfastmath: new spell, large integer arithmetic libraryIsmael Luceno
2015-02-24libs/nspr: version 4.10.8Pavel Vinogradov
2015-02-23Merge branch 'master' into devel-xorg-modularVlad Glagolev
2015-02-21Revert "libxml2 - tweak build for python3"Vlad Glagolev
2015-02-14Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into devel-xorg-modularTreeve Jelbert
2015-02-14dotconf: => masterTreeve Jelbert
2015-02-12libtomcrypt: new spell, modular and portable cryptographic toolkitIsmael Luceno
2015-02-11Merge branch 'master' into devel-xorg-modularVlad Glagolev