path: root/la_remove_up_trigger.function
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-09-30la_remove_up_trigger.function: fine-tuning to catch all and noneThomas Orgis
All dependants need to be scrutinized, not just first order. Also, the grep in .la files needs to be avoided in case there are none.
2020-09-08libtool-nola, la_remove_up_trigger.function: infrastructure for dropping .laThomas Orgis
As long as we do not have central filters for libtool archives, spells that have non-trivial lists of those files need some help: - libtool-nola: Inject that into the libtool calls of the build (sed Makefiles) to have it call the real libtool, but remove the .la files afterwards. - la_remove_up_trigger.function: Use that in UP_TRIGGERS to safely re-cast spells that reference the removed .la files in theirs.