path: root/http
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-06-12links-twibright and madwifi: fixing borked commitArjan Bouter
2007-06-12links-twibright: added desktopfiles for the different driversArjan Bouter
2007-06-07kazehakase: version bump 0.4.7Andraž Levstik
2007-06-06firefox: Removing visibility patch for Kowis
2007-06-01gnash: Install plugins for all available browsersEric Sandall
2007-05-31seamonkey: Updated to version 1.1.2. SECURITY_PATCH++George Sherwood
2007-05-31firefox Hagara
2007-05-27http/lynx: SOURCE_URL updated, seems upstream package was touchedElisamuel Resto
2007-05-27http/live-f1: new spell, live timing clientAlexander Tsamutali
2007-05-20galeon, galeon2: renamed galeon2 to galeon, removed old galeon spellArwed von Merkatz
2007-05-20galeon: deprecated in favor of galeon2Arwed von Merkatz
2007-05-20squid: Updated to version 2.6.STABLE13George Sherwood
2007-05-14http/mod_auth_openpgp: new spell, an Apache module based on OpenPGPLadislav Hagara
2007-05-12dillo: removed linungif dependency, the gif reader is interalArwed von Merkatz
2007-05-11elinks: removed guile version warningArwed von Merkatz
2007-05-11guile-www: removed warning about new guileArwed von Merkatz
2007-04-29kazehakase: Updated to version 0.4.6George Sherwood
2007-04-27gnash: Update dependencies so it compiles for me and some cleanupEric Sandall
2007-04-26phpsysinfo 2.5.3Ladislav Hagara
2007-04-26gnash: some fixup to make configurability actually workThomas Orgis
2007-04-25Upgraded mod_python to version 3.3.1 so that it works with the latest version...Bearcat Sandor
2007-04-25firefox: fix build on ppc by also applying the visibility patchThomas Orgis
2007-04-17nvu: Added Mozilla-based web page editorEric Sandall
2007-04-16mod_pythonDavid Kowis
2007-04-16elinks 0.11.3Ladislav Hagara
2007-04-14lighttpd: Updated to to 1.4.15. SECURITY_PATCH++ Bug 13712George Sherwood
2007-04-12links-twibright 2.1pre28Ladislav Hagara
2007-04-11links-twibright 2.1pre27Ladislav Hagara
2007-04-09fixing files with missing executable bitJaka Kranjc
2007-04-07cherokee-0.6.0b700Treeve Jelbert
2007-04-02kazehakase: new version 0.4.5Andraž Levstik
2007-04-02osb-browser: example browser based on gtk-webcoreAndraž Levstik
2007-04-02nrcit: new spell exampel library for gtk-webcore accessAndraž Levstik
2007-04-02nrcore: new spell khtml core engine from gtk-webcoreAndraž Levstik
2007-04-02javascriptcore: new spell javascript engine from gtk-webcoreAndraž Levstik
2007-04-02update my email addressTreeve Jelbert
2007-04-01bluefish: Updated unstable to version 1.1.3George Sherwood
2007-03-31pglogd POST_INSTALL moved to FINALDavid Brown
2007-03-27gnash: missing subdependsAndraž Levstik
2007-03-21squid: Security update to version 2.6.STABLE12. Bug #13641.George Sherwood
2007-03-20firefox: Updated to version Sherwood
2007-03-20Merge with git+ssh://ž Levstik
2007-03-20kazehakase: switch to svnAndraž Levstik
2007-03-17squid: Updated to 2.6.STABLE11George Sherwood
2007-03-09gnash: the spell files, i knew i forgot somethingArjan Bouter
2007-03-08squid: Updated version 2.6.STABLE10George Sherwood
2007-03-04seamonkey: Updated to version 1.1.1. SECURITY_PATCH++George Sherwood
2007-03-03Fix some easy to spot bad TRACK_ROOT usage.Jeremy Blosser
2007-03-03complete the #10641 fixesJaka Kranjc
2007-03-03firefox: added sedit to fix firefox-plugin.pc. Bug 13581.George Sherwood