path: root/graphics-libs/devil
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-05-27many spells: remove SOURCEFORGE_URL usage ( does transparent load balan...Thomas Orgis
2014-06-02 - change depends giflib => GIFLIBTreeve Jelbert
2010-11-03jpeg -> JPEG in all DEPENDS fileLadislav Hagara
2009-09-10devil: line-wrapped long descDonald Johnson
2009-04-12devil: Updated to 1.7.8Eric Sandall
2008-12-30"devil-1.7.5"Treeve Jelbert
2008-12-26"devil-1.7.4"Treeve Jelbert
2008-07-21Sync with latest changes in masterEric Sandall
2008-07-12devil: depends on giflib, provider deprecatedVlad Glagolev
2008-04-26devil: ilut.h needs to change one last instance of LstringEric Sandall
2008-03-18Merge branch 'xorg-modular' of /home/sandalle/scm/git/smgl/grimoire/ into xor...Eric Sandall
2008-03-18devil: X11-LIBS to the one and only xorg-libsEric Sandall
2008-01-06devil: Fix header inclusion with gcc 4.2 (devil bug #1651292)Eric Sandall
2007-07-21devil-1.6.8-rc2Treeve Jelbert
2007-03-01Change my e-mail address to my oneEric Sandall
2007-03-01Revert "Change my e-mail address to my one"Eric Sandall
2007-03-01Change my e-mail address to my oneEric Sandall
2006-10-03devil: [automated] Removed UPDATED.Juuso Alasuutari
2006-09-21devil: [automated] Removed MAINTAINER.Juuso Alasuutari
2006-04-24sync graphics-libs/devil from testJeremy Blosser
2006-04-24sync ./graphics-libs/devil from stable-rc 0.4Jeremy Blosser
2006-04-24initial commit from stable 0.3root