path: root/audio-libs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-04-04libao: conflict to libao-pulse for deprecationArwed von Merkatz
2010-04-04libao-pulse: deprecated, part of libao nowArwed von Merkatz
2010-04-04libmpd: => 0.20.0Vlad Glagolev
2010-03-26audiofile: => 0.2.7Treeve Jelbert
2010-03-26libvorbis: => 1.3.1Vlad Glagolev
2010-03-26libao: removed useless stuffVlad Glagolev
2010-03-26libao: => 1.0.0Vlad Glagolev
2010-03-26libogg: => 1.2.0Vlad Glagolev
2010-03-24celt: => 0.7.0Bor Kraljič
2010-03-21taglib-sharp Hagara
2010-03-09liblscp: bump to 0.5.6Thomas Orgis
2010-03-09libgig: bump to 3.3.0Thomas Orgis
2010-03-01game-music-emu: new spell, game music emulator libraryAndraž Levstik
2010-02-26taglib-sharp Hagara
2010-01-18openal-soft: => 1.11.753Treeve Jelbert
2010-01-01libsndfile 1.0.21Ladislav Hagara
2009-12-31audio-libs/libmpdclient: new spell, a library for interfacing MusicLadislav Hagara
2009-12-19openal: conflict with openal-soft in both directionsJaka Kranjc
2009-11-28openal-soft: => 1.10.622Treeve Jelbert
2009-11-22taglib-sharp Hagara
2009-11-17libkate 0.3.7Ladislav Hagara
2009-11-03wavpack: => 4.60.0Bor Kraljič
2009-11-03taglib: => 1.6.1Bor Kraljič
2009-10-04taglib-extras: DETAILS fixed, normal version can be really chosen nowLadislav Hagara
2009-10-02taglib-extras: added version 1.0.1 to allready existing svn versionBor Kraljič
2009-09-28liblastfm: fixed BUILD; fixing my mistakesBor Kraljič
2009-09-28audio-libs/liblastfm: new spell, services librariesBor Kraljič
2009-09-28taglib: added option to compile with support for asf and mp4Bor Kraljič
2009-09-24audio-libs/lilypond: updated depends to texliveAndraž Levstik
2009-09-24Revert "audio-libs/lilypond: updated depends to texlive"Andraž Levstik
2009-09-24audio-libs/lilypond: updated depends to texliveAndraž Levstik
2009-09-22audio-libs/libmp3splt: updated to version 0.5.7aQuentin Rameau
2009-09-21libmpd: => 0.19.0Vlad Glagolev
2009-09-21faac: small fixups, restored ability to compile with current gcc versionVlad Glagolev
2009-09-18liboggz 1.0.0Ladislav Hagara
2009-09-17taglib: => 1.6Treeve Jelbert
2009-09-15libdca: SOURCE must be defined before it is used, now it is possible to downloadLadislav Hagara
2009-09-06libkate 0.3.6Ladislav Hagara
2009-09-01libkate 0.3.5Ladislav Hagara
2009-08-31faad2: more fixes for the spellVlad Glagolev
2009-08-31faad2: fixed AAC files/streams playing by disabling non-working DRM supportVlad Glagolev
2009-08-07clalsadrv: actually build in BUILD, not INSTALLThomas Orgis
2009-08-07clalsadrv: install without lib64Thomas Orgis
2009-08-05pymad 0.6Ladislav Hagara
2009-07-26libgpod: added missing deps on GTK2, libxml2, pygobject, gtk-doc and halArjan Bouter
2009-07-25openal-soft: fixed syntax errorJaka Kranjc
2009-07-18openal-soft: changed portaudio to optional, added pulseaudioJaka Kranjc
2009-07-18openal-soft: 1.8.466Jaka Kranjc
2009-07-12libvorbis 1.2.3Ladislav Hagara
2009-07-07libtiger: new spell, a rendering library for Kate streams using PangoLadislav Hagara