path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-08-30Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// Franzmann
2010-08-30devel/florist: new spell, POSIX bindings for AdaFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-30luakit: new spell, lua based browser frameworkArjan Bouter
2010-08-30devel/asis: new spell, Ada Semantic Interface SpecificationFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-29Revert "fonts-x11/schwabacher: new spell, a Schwabacher font"Florian Franzmann
2010-08-29fonts-x11/schwabacher: new spell, a Schwabacher fontFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-26telephony/telepathy.gpg: added 2 missing keys, couldn't find any list orArjan Bouter
2010-08-20mod_geoip2: new spell, Apache 2 module for finding the country of web requestsVlad Glagolev
2010-08-17gtk+3: New spell for the brave. Installs side by side with theGeorge Sherwood
2010-08-17Changelog: This will be for gtk+3. Going to me a mess I think. :)George Sherwood
2010-08-17gdk-pixbuf2: New spell required for devel version of gtk+2George Sherwood
2010-08-16new spell: network-manager-pptp 0.8.1Finn Haedicke
2010-08-16new spell: network-manager-applet 0.8.1Finn Haedicke
2010-08-16new spell: network-manager 0.8.1Finn Haedicke
2010-08-16graphics/bins: new spell, a web photo album generatorFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-15perl-cpan/xml-handler-yawriter: new spell, yet another Perl SAX XML WriterFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-15perl-cpan/text-unaccent: new spell, removes accents from stringsFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-15perl-cpan/html-clean: new spell, an HTML cleanup toolFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-15perl-cpan/perlmagick: new spell, ImageMagick for perlFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-15werkzeug: new spell, wsgi utility collectionVlad Glagolev
2010-08-10net/wgetpaste: new spell, script that automates pasting to a number ofLadislav Hagara
2010-08-08gx2osd: removed, no longer runs, upstream deadAndraž Levstik
2010-08-08telephony/telepathy.gpg: readding key from commit bff58963676d19eb4ba4519bdf7...Bor Kraljič
2010-08-06logstalgia: Software Apache log visualization toolEric Sandall
2010-08-05libcgroup: Forgot the changelog entryDavid Kowis
2010-08-05utils/iotop: new spell, a top-like utility for disk ioFlorian Franzmann
2010-08-03utils/isoquery: new spell, search and display ISO codes for countries,Ladislav Hagara
2010-07-30mod_umask: new spell, umask module for Apache 2Vlad Glagolev
2010-07-25doc/zathura: new spell, PDF viewerLadislav Hagara
2010-07-25lascii85: new spell, ascii85 library for LuaVlad Glagolev
2010-07-25lcl: new spell, command-line evaluator library for LuaVlad Glagolev
2010-07-24ChangeLog: no time machineVlad Glagolev
2010-07-24Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// Glagolev
2010-07-24net/djm.gpg -> djm.gpg: needed for py-bcryptVlad Glagolev
2010-07-24lcms2-2.0aTreeve Jelbert
2010-07-24py-bcrypt: new spell, Python wrapper of OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing codeVlad Glagolev
2010-07-23utils/iozone: new spell, a filesystem benchmarkFlorian Franzmann
2010-07-23python-pypi/pykickstart: new spell, python kickstart(fedora, redhat) bootstrapAndraž 'ruskie' Levstik
2010-07-23python-pypi/yum-metadata-parser: new spell, yum python metadata parserAndraž 'ruskie' Levstik
2010-07-23utils/yum: new spell - yellow dog updaterAndraž 'ruskie' Levstik
2010-07-23e-17/eio: new spell, Enlightenned Asynchronous Input Output LibraryLadislav Hagara
2010-07-20shell-term-fm/freerdp: new spell, an rdp clientFlorian Franzmann
2010-07-18 ftp/tucan: new spell for gtk file sharing managerPhilippe Caseiro
2010-07-18utils/since: new spell, display content of a file since the last timeLadislav Hagara
2010-07-17devel/dmalloc: new spell, a memory debuggerFlorian Franzmann
2010-07-17optipng: new spell, advanced PNG optimizerVlad Glagolev
2010-07-13resid: new spell, C64 SID emulatorArjan Bouter
2010-07-13libcue: new spell, cue sheet parser libraryArjan Bouter
2010-07-13lxdm: new spell, LXDE login/display managerArjan Bouter
2010-07-11FUNCTIONS: added function prepare_opts with code from default_build_configureBor Kraljič