path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-10-15nbxmpp: new spell, non-blocking Jabber/XMPP moduleVlad Glagolev
2014-10-13ChangeLog: fixedLadislav Hagara
2014-10-07sparsehash-2.0.2Treeve Jelbert
2014-10-05http/dwb: fixed a typo in grimoire's ChangeLog, replaced PREFIX with DESTDIR ...Pol Vinogradov
2014-10-05http/dwb: new spell, a WebKit browserPol Vinogradov
2014-10-02ulimits: new spell, user limits utilityVlad Glagolev
2014-09-29phantomjs: new spell, headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript APIVlad Glagolev
2014-09-29megatools: new spell, command line client for Glagolev
2014-09-25itk: new spell, toolkit for performing registration and segmentationIsmael Luceno
2014-09-25dcmtk: new spell, DICOM ToolkitIsmael Luceno
2014-09-25Changelog: Remove accidentally added superflous spacesIsmael Luceno
2014-09-25lxc: new spell, Userspace tools for the Linux kernel containersIsmael Luceno
2014-09-23chat-im/pidgin-window-merge: new spell, one window plugin for PidginPol Vinogradov
2014-09-23vbindiff: new spell, Visual Binary DiffIsmael Luceno
2014-09-22python-pypi/grit-i18n addedTreeve Jelbert
2014-09-22move xdg-user-dirs to utilsTreeve Jelbert
2014-09-19gnome3-libs/adwaita-icon-theme: new spell, Adwaita icon theme for GNOMEPol Vinogradov
2014-09-18irrlicht: move to games grimoireJeremy Blosser
2014-09-17isl: new spell, Integer Set LibraryIsmael Luceno
2014-09-17corkscrew: new spell, tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxiesIsmael Luceno
2014-09-16elfkickers: new spell, Kickers of ELFIsmael Luceno
2014-09-16irrlicht: new spell, high performance realtime 3D engineJeremy Blosser
2014-09-15leveldb: new spell, fast key-value storage library by GoogleJeremy Blosser
2014-09-15vim-csapprox: new spell, Make gvim-only colorschemes work in terminalIsmael Luceno
2014-09-14cobra: new spell, Cobra Programming LanguageIsmael Luceno
2014-09-13byobu: new spell, text based window manager and terminal multiplexerIsmael Luceno
2014-09-13abduco: new spell, session {at,de}tach supportIsmael Luceno
2014-09-13ChangeLog: Fix last entry dateIsmael Luceno
2014-09-11squashfs-tools3: new spell, squashfs-tools 3.xIsmael Luceno
2014-09-10runawk: new spell, Wrapper for AWK providing modulesIsmael Luceno
2014-09-10mk-configure: new spell, Lightweight replacement for autotoolsIsmael Luceno
2014-09-10bmake: new spell, Portable version of NetBSD makeIsmael Luceno
2014-09-09python-magic: new spell, File type identification using libmagicIsmael Luceno
2014-09-08utils/direvent: new spell, directory event monitoring daemonLadislav Hagara
2014-08-31sdcc: new spell, Small Device C CompilerIsmael Luceno
2014-08-31mawk: new spell, Interpreter for the AWK Programming LanguageIsmael Luceno
2014-08-24aubio03: historic version of spell for ardour2Thomas Orgis
2014-08-22wavegain: new spell, wav files loudness normalizerVlad Glagolev
2014-08-22zarfy: new spell, A gui to libxrandrIsmael Luceno
2014-08-19libressl-2.0.5 new spellTreeve Jelbert
2014-08-11disk/whdd: new spell, a HDD diagnostic and recovery tool for LinuxPol Vinogradov
2014-08-06ChangeLog: qmmp-plugin-pack addedLadislav Hagara
2014-07-28python-pypi/meson-0.18.0 new spellTreeve Jelbert
2014-07-25gnome3-libs/granite: new spell, elementary Development LibraryPol Vinogradov
2014-07-25docutils: => 0.12Treeve Jelbert
2014-07-22graphics/nomacs: new spell, image viewerLadislav Hagara
2014-07-19net/tor.gpg: add 63FEE659Florian Franzmann
2014-07-08visual-regexp: new spell, A regexp/replace command for Emacs with interactive...Ismael Luceno
2014-07-08autopair: new spell, Automagically pair braces and quotesIsmael Luceno
2014-07-05gnusim8085: new spell, Graphical simulator, assembler and debugger for the In...Ismael Luceno