path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-05-28vulkan related spells addedTreeve Jelbert
2018-05-25python-pypi/python-attrs: new spell, classes without boiler plateFlorian Franzmann
2018-05-25luacheck: new spell, tool for linting and static analysis of Lua codeVlad Glagolev
2018-05-24lastpass-cli: new spell, LastPass command line interface toolVlad Glagolev
2018-05-23newsyslog-openbsd: new spell, utility that automates system log rotation and ...Vlad Glagolev
2018-05-18accounts, groups: added account data for resilio-sync spellVlad Glagolev
2018-05-17python-pypi/python-lzo: new spell, python bindings for lzoFlorian Franzmann
2018-05-17python-pypi/python-lz4: new spell, python bindings for lz4Florian Franzmann
2018-05-17xorg.gpg - add Thomas Hellstrom (VMware)Treeve Jelbert
2018-05-15compsize: new spell, find compression type/ratio on a file or set of filesIsmael Luceno
2018-05-13utils/task-spooler: new spell, a batch system that spools one task after anotherFlorian Franzmann
2018-05-11nemesis: new spell, command-line network packet crafting and injection utilityVlad Glagolev
2018-05-09delete kde-l10nTreeve Jelbert
2018-05-08mozilla.gpg; added new Mozilla Software Releases keyPavel Vinogradov
2018-05-08py-leveldb: new spell, thread-safe Python bindings for LevelDBVlad Glagolev
2018-05-07ftp/wget/wget.gpg: add Tim Rühsen <>Treeve Jelbert
2018-05-06libs/libfm-extra: new spell to break circular dependency between libfm and me...Florian Franzmann
2018-05-04authlib: new spell, authentication client/server library for OAuth 1/2 and Op...Vlad Glagolev
2018-05-04docker-py: new spell, Python library for the Docker Engine APIVlad Glagolev
2018-05-04docker-pycreds: new spell, Python bindings for the docker credentials store APIVlad Glagolev
2018-05-04backports.ssl_match_hostname: new spell, ssl.match_hostname() function from P...Vlad Glagolev
2018-05-04websocket-client: new spell, WebSocket client for PythonVlad Glagolev
2018-05-01zchunk-0.4.0Treeve Jelbert
2018-04-24kde.gpg - add Michail VourlakosTreeve Jelbert
2018-04-23add CMAKE_FUNCTIONSTreeve Jelbert
2018-04-20utils/debootstrap: new spell, a Debian bootstrapperFlorian Franzmann
2018-04-19move kamosoTreeve Jelbert
2018-04-18netatop: new spell, atop network kernel moduleVlad Glagolev
2018-04-13MESON_FUNCTIONS would cause .pc files to bad cflags arguments -I.Treeve Jelbert
2018-04-13kbackup-18.03.90Treeve Jelbert
2018-04-12archive/innoextract: new spell, an extractor for Inno Setup installersFlorian Franzmann
2018-04-10freedesktop.gpg - add Derek ForemanTreeve Jelbert
2018-04-08utils/cpuid: new spell, a tool for dumping detailed info about the CPUFlorian Franzmann
2018-04-08utils/redshift: new spell, adjusts the screen color temperature to the surrou...Florian Franzmann
2018-04-06ChangeLog: correct entryVlad Glagolev
2018-04-06asciinema: new spell, terminal session recorderVlad Glagolev
2018-04-05jgmenu: new spell, simple X11 menuVlad Glagolev
2018-04-04openresolv: new spell, DNS management frameworkVlad Glagolev
2018-04-03graphics-libs/libglvnd: new spell, a vendor-neutral opengl dispatcherFlorian Franzmann
2018-03-30libs/json-for-modern-cpp: new spell, a json library for C++Florian Franzmann
2018-03-30http/newsbeuter: deprecated in favour of newsboat because of dead upstreamFlorian Franzmann
2018-03-30net/crda: new spell, tool for managing wifi regulatory settingsFlorian Franzmann
2018-03-30net/wireless-regdb: new spell, regulatory database for wifiFlorian Franzmann
2018-03-28xdo: small X utility to perform elementary actions on windowsVlad Glagolev
2018-03-27FUNCTIONS: waf_build --libdir=$PREFIX/lib (not lib64)Thomas Orgis
2018-03-26xmltodict: new spell, makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSONVlad Glagolev
2018-03-24ddgr: new spell, DuckDuckGo from the terminalVlad Glagolev
2018-03-24delete unbuildable qt4pasTreeve Jelbert
2018-03-23delete unbuildable qtwebkitTreeve Jelbert
2018-03-21eq10q: new spell, LV2 Equalization PluginIsmael Luceno