path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-04-09chat-im/Purple-facebook: new spell, Facebook protocol plugin for libpurplePavel Vinogradov
2017-04-07ohsnap: new spell, monospaced font based on Artwiz Snap with bold and version...Vlad Glagolev
2017-04-07montecarlo: new spell, monospace font, created by programmers, for programmersVlad Glagolev
2017-04-07leggie: new spell, pretty, legible 6x12, 9x18, 12x24 bitmap font with over 17...Vlad Glagolev
2017-04-05icdiff: new spell, improved color diffVlad Glagolev
2017-04-04gnu.gpg: Re-add 624ACAD5: public key "Carlo Wood, Run on IRC <>"Eric Sandall
2017-04-04logrotate: Updated to 3.11.0, use upstream hashEric Sandall
2017-04-03kde.gpg - add Dag AndersenTreeve Jelbert
2017-04-02freedesktop.gpg - add Andres GomezTreeve Jelbert
2017-04-01iosevka: new spell, spatial efficient monospace font family for programmingVlad Glagolev
2017-03-30freedesktop.gpg - add Jonas ÅdahlTreeve Jelbert
2017-03-25new spell, the data-free filesystemPavel Vinogradov
2017-03-24xssstate: new spell, simple utility to get the X screensaver stateVlad Glagolev
2017-03-23KDE5_DEPENDS: qtbase ACCESSThomas Orgis
2017-03-21kde.gpg - update Jonathan RiddellTreeve Jelbert
2017-03-21libsrtp2-2.0.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-03-20volumeicon: new spell, lightweight volume control that sits in your systrayVlad Glagolev
2017-03-20entr: new spell, run arbitrary commands when files changeVlad Glagolev
2017-03-18libs/zopfli: new spell, a zlib/deflat compression library and toolFlorian Franzmann
2017-03-18xorg.gpg - more sigsTreeve Jelbert
2017-03-18graphics/guetzli: new spell, a jpeg encoderFlorian Franzmann
2017-03-16webkitqt: tp5Treeve Jelbert
2017-03-12python-pypi/python-progressbar: new spell, a text progress barFlorian Franzmann
2017-03-12python-pypi/python-libarchive-c: new spell, python bindings for libarchiveFlorian Franzmann
2017-03-11yank: new spell, yank terminal output to clipboardVlad Glagolev
2017-03-11creep: new spell, pretty sweet 4px wide pixel fontVlad Glagolev
2017-03-11profont-x11: new spell, fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessionsVlad Glagolev
2017-03-11zevv-peep: new spell, monospace bitmap programming font aimed for FullHD disp...Vlad Glagolev
2017-03-11yasnippet-snippets: new spell, Yasnippet official snippet collectionsIsmael Luceno
2017-03-10github-markdown-toc.go: new spell, golang based implementation of the github-...Vlad Glagolev
2017-03-05perl-devel-trace: new spell, tracing for perlIsmael Luceno
2017-03-04qtvirtualkeyboard-5.8.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-02-28freedesktop.gpg - another Simon McVittie gpgTreeve Jelbert
2017-02-27freedesktop.gpg - add Simon McVittiTreeve Jelbert
2017-02-27tracetool 3.0.1Treeve Jelbert
2017-02-27heaptrack-1.0.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-02-27kde-gpg - add Milian WolffTreeve Jelbert
2017-02-26libebur128-1.2.2Treeve Jelbert
2017-02-26deprecate net/howlTreeve Jelbert
2017-02-26nss-mdns-0.10Treeve Jelbert
2017-02-25ncmatrix: new spell, CMatrix with network traffic monitoringVlad Glagolev
2017-02-24delete pim-storage-service-managerTreeve Jelbert added Sebastian Dröge's keyPavel Vinogradov
2017-02-23opmsg: new spell, GPG alternativeVlad Glagolev
2017-02-23gummi: new spell, simple LaTeX editorVlad Glagolev
2017-02-22mock: new spell, Python testing libraryVlad Glagolev
2017-02-22funcsigs: new spell, Python function signatures from PEP362 for PythonVlad Glagolev
2017-02-22pytest-xdist: new spell, py.test plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-f...Vlad Glagolev
2017-02-22execnet: new spell, rapid multi-Python deploymentVlad Glagolev
2017-02-22setuptools_scm: new spell, blessed package to manage your versions by scm tagsVlad Glagolev