path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-09-17libmpack: new spell, Simple C implementation of msgpackIsmael Luceno
2017-09-17cryfs-0.9.7Treeve Jelbert
2017-09-13libkvkontakte-5.0.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-09-12delete kgraphviewer4Treeve Jelbert
2017-09-12kgraphviewer-2.4.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-09-12 prison-5.38.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-09-11mail/s-nail: new spell, a fork of heirloom mailxFlorian Franzmann
2017-09-07aescrypt: advanced file encryption using AESVlad Glagolev
2017-09-06bitkeeper 7.3.1ce, moved from z-rejectedIsmael Luceno
2017-09-06qqc2-desktop-style-5.10.95Treeve Jelbert
2017-09-04dterm: new spell, A simple terminal programIsmael Luceno
2017-09-04emacs-google-translate: new spell, Emacs interface to Google TranslateIsmael Luceno
2017-09-02doc/bookworm: new spell, a simple, focused eBook readerPavel Vinogradov
2017-09-02picocom: new spell, Minimal dumb-terminal emulation programIsmael Luceno
2017-08-30libmediawiki-5.37.Treeve Jelbert
2017-08-30kde.gpg - add Scarlett ClarkTreeve Jelbert
2017-08-29scapy: new spell, python-based interactive packet manipulation program and li...Vlad Glagolev
2017-08-28docxtpl: new spell, Python docx template engineIsmael Luceno
2017-08-28nethogs: new spell, Linux 'net top' toolVlad Glagolev
2017-08-28wrk: new spell, modern HTTP benchmarking toolVlad Glagolev
2017-08-28gnupg-2.2-2.2.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-08-27crypto/GnuPG.gpg: add Damien Goutte-GattatTreeve Jelbert
2017-08-26Revert "pep8: new spell, Python style guide checker"Vlad Glagolev
2017-08-25pep8: new spell, Python style guide checkerIsmael Luceno
2017-08-25lazy-object-proxy: new spell, A fast and thorough lazy object proxyIsmael Luceno
2017-08-25wrapt: new spell, Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patchingIsmael Luceno
2017-08-25logilab-astng: spell deprecated [renamed to astroid]Ismael Luceno
2017-08-25astroid: new spell, A abstract syntax tree for Python with inference supportIsmael Luceno
2017-08-25mccabe: new spell, McCabe complexity checker for PythonIsmael Luceno
2017-08-25python-docx: new spell, Create and update Microsoft Word .docx filesIsmael Luceno
2017-08-23libs/tinyxml1: added old version of tinyxmlPavel Vinogradov
2017-08-23interface: new spell, the Interface font familyVlad Glagolev
2017-08-21djangorestframework: new spell, Web APIs for Django, made easyIsmael Luceno
2017-08-18python-pypi/diffoscope: new spell, in-depth comparison of files, archives, an...Florian Franzmann
2017-08-18stopwatch: new spell, command line stopwatchVlad Glagolev
2017-08-17Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 17.08Treeve Jelbert
2017-08-15xcb-util-xrm: new spell, XCB X resource manager libraryIsmael Luceno
2017-08-14find_depends.function: Dependency discovery functionsRemko van der Vossen
2017-08-14delete kde5-extra/kirigamiTreeve Jelbert
2017-08-14kirigami2 is now in kde-frameworksTreeve Jelbert
2017-08-13cc65: new spell, the 6502 C compilerIsmael Luceno
2017-08-13nvi: new spell, Berkeley Vi EditorVlad Glagolev
2017-08-12disk/udev: deprecate udev in favour of eudevRemko van der Vossen
2017-08-11latte-dock-0.7.0Treeve Jelbert
2017-08-10freedesktop.gpg - add Tim-Philipp MüllerTreeve Jelbert
2017-08-10FUNCTIONS: also trigger cast dependents, not just checkThomas Orgis
2017-08-08libnsl-1.0.5Treeve Jelbert
2017-08-05nettop: new spell, simple process/network usage report for LinuxVlad Glagolev
2017-07-31bjoern: new spell, screamingly fast Python WSGI server written in CVlad Glagolev
2017-07-28add fuse.gpg - Nikolaus RathTreeve Jelbert