path: root/http/firefox/patches/6009_musl_audio_thread_priority.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'http/firefox/patches/6009_musl_audio_thread_priority.patch')
1 files changed, 876 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/http/firefox/patches/6009_musl_audio_thread_priority.patch b/http/firefox/patches/6009_musl_audio_thread_priority.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86a8fcd54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http/firefox/patches/6009_musl_audio_thread_priority.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# Parent 531900878b92d74b9e9deb66409b7f298b33944e
+Unbreak assumptions for error handling
+diff --git a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/.cargo-checksum.json b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/.cargo-checksum.json
+--- a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/.cargo-checksum.json
++++ b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/.cargo-checksum.json
+@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/audio_thread_priority.h b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/audio_thread_priority.h
+--- a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/audio_thread_priority.h
++++ b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/audio_thread_priority.h
+@@ -8,16 +8,18 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ /**
+ * An opaque structure containing information about a thread that was promoted
+ * to real-time priority.
+ */
+ struct atp_handle;
++struct atp_thread_info;
++extern size_t ATP_THREAD_INFO_SIZE;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif // __cplusplus
+ /**
+ * Promotes the current thread to real-time priority.
+ *
+@@ -26,16 +28,17 @@ extern "C" {
+ * or an upper bound.
+ * audio_samplerate_hz: sample-rate for this audio stream, in Hz
+ *
+ * Returns an opaque handle in case of success, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+ atp_handle *atp_promote_current_thread_to_real_time(uint32_t audio_buffer_frames,
+ uint32_t audio_samplerate_hz);
+ /**
+ * Demotes the current thread promoted to real-time priority via
+ * `atp_demote_current_thread_from_real_time` to its previous priority.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 in case of success, non-zero otherwise.
+ */
+ int32_t atp_demote_current_thread_from_real_time(atp_handle *handle);
+@@ -44,13 +47,107 @@ int32_t atp_demote_current_thread_from_r
+ *`atp_demote_current_thread_from_real_time` on the right thread. Access to the
+ * handle must be synchronized externaly (or the related thread must have
+ * exited).
+ *
+ * Returns 0 in case of success, non-zero otherwise.
+ */
+ int32_t atp_free_handle(atp_handle *handle);
++ * Linux-only API.
++ *
++ * The Linux backend uses DBUS to promote a thread to real-time priority. In
++ * environment where this is not possible (due to sandboxing), this set of
++ * functions allow remoting the call to a process that can make DBUS calls.
++ *
++ * To do so:
++ * - Set the real-time limit from within the process where a
++ * thread will be promoted. This is a `setrlimit` call, that can be done
++ * before the sandbox lockdown.
++ * - Then, gather information on the thread that will be promoted.
++ * - Serialize this info.
++ * - Send over the serialized data via an IPC mechanism
++ * - Deserialize the inf
++ * - Call `atp_promote_thread_to_real_time`
++ */
++#ifdef __linux__
++ * Promotes a thread, possibly in another process, to real-time priority.
++ *
++ * thread_info: info on the thread to promote, gathered with
++ * `atp_get_current_thread_info()`, called on the thread itself.
++ * audio_buffer_frames: number of frames per audio buffer. If unknown, passing 0
++ * will choose an appropriate number, conservatively. If variable, either pass 0
++ * or an upper bound.
++ * audio_samplerate_hz: sample-rate for this audio stream, in Hz
++ *
++ * Returns an opaque handle in case of success, NULL otherwise.
++ *
++ * This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++ * cannot promote itself directly.
++ */
++atp_handle *atp_promote_thread_to_real_time(atp_thread_info *thread_info);
++ * Demotes a thread promoted to real-time priority via
++ * `atp_demote_thread_from_real_time` to its previous priority.
++ *
++ * Returns 0 in case of success, non-zero otherwise.
++ *
++ * This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++ * cannot promote itself directly.
++ */
++int32_t atp_demote_thread_from_real_time(atp_thread_info* thread_info);
++ * Gather informations from the calling thread, to be able to promote it from
++ * another thread and/or process.
++ *
++ * Returns a non-null pointer to an `atp_thread_info` structure in case of
++ * sucess, to be freed later with `atp_free_thread_info`, and NULL otherwise.
++ *
++ * This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++ * cannot promote itself directly.
++ */
++atp_thread_info *atp_get_current_thread_info();
++ * Free an `atp_thread_info` structure.
++ *
++ * Returns 0 in case of success, non-zero in case of error (because thread_info
++ * was NULL).
++ */
++int32_t atp_free_thread_info(atp_thread_info *thread_info);
++ * Serialize an `atp_thread_info` to a byte buffer that is
++ * sizeof(atp_thread_info) long.
++ */
++void atp_serialize_thread_info(atp_thread_info *thread_info, uint8_t *bytes);
++ * Deserialize a byte buffer of sizeof(atp_thread_info) to an `atp_thread_info`
++ * pointer. It can be then freed using atp_free_thread_info.
++ * */
++atp_thread_info* atp_deserialize_thread_info(uint8_t *bytes);
++ * Set real-time limit for the calling process.
++ *
++ * This is useful only on Linux desktop, and allows remoting the rtkit DBUS call
++ * to a process that has access to DBUS. This function has to be called before
++ * attempting to promote threads from another process.
++ *
++ * This sets the real-time computation limit. For actually promoting the thread
++ * to a real-time scheduling class, see `atp_promote_thread_to_real_time`.
++ */
++int32_t atp_set_real_time_limit(uint32_t audio_buffer_frames,
++ uint32_t audio_samplerate_hz);
++#endif // __linux__
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ } // extern "C"
+ #endif // __cplusplus
+diff --git a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/ b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/
+--- a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/
++++ b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/
+@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
+ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+ #[macro_use]
+ extern crate cfg_if;
+ #[cfg(feature = "terminal-logging")]
+ extern crate simple_logger;
+ #[macro_use]
+ extern crate log;
+ cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] {
+ mod rt_mach;
+ #[allow(unused, non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]
+ mod mach_sys;
+ extern crate mach;
+ extern crate libc;
+ use rt_mach::promote_current_thread_to_real_time_internal;
+@@ -24,38 +27,298 @@ cfg_if! {
+ mod rt_win;
+ use rt_win::promote_current_thread_to_real_time_internal;
+ use rt_win::demote_current_thread_from_real_time_internal;
+ use rt_win::RtPriorityHandleInternal;
+ } else if #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] {
+ mod rt_linux;
+ extern crate dbus;
+ extern crate libc;
++ use rt_linux::set_real_time_hard_limit_internal as set_real_time_hard_limit;
+ use rt_linux::promote_current_thread_to_real_time_internal;
+ use rt_linux::demote_current_thread_from_real_time_internal;
++ use rt_linux::get_current_thread_info_internal;
++ use rt_linux::promote_thread_to_real_time_internal;
++ use rt_linux::demote_thread_from_real_time_internal;
++ use rt_linux::RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal;
+ use rt_linux::RtPriorityHandleInternal;
++ #[no_mangle]
++ /// Size of a RtPriorityThreadInfo or atp_thread_info struct, for use in FFI.
++ pub static ATP_THREAD_INFO_SIZE: usize = std::mem::size_of::<RtPriorityThreadInfo>();
+ } else {
++ // blanket implementations for Android and other systems.
+ pub struct RtPriorityHandleInternal {}
+ pub fn promote_current_thread_to_real_time_internal(_: u32, audio_samplerate_hz: u32) -> Result<RtPriorityHandle, ()> {
+ if audio_samplerate_hz == 0 {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ // no-op
+- return Ok(RtPriorityHandle{});
++ Ok(RtPriorityHandle{})
+ }
+ pub fn demote_current_thread_from_real_time_internal(_: RtPriorityHandle) -> Result<(), ()> {
+ // no-op
+- return Ok(());
++ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Opaque handle to a thread handle structure.
+ pub type RtPriorityHandle = RtPriorityHandleInternal;
++cfg_if! {
++ if #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] {
++/// Opaque handle to a thread info.
++/// This can be serialized to raw bytes to be sent via IPC.
++/// This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++/// cannot promote itself directly.
++pub type RtPriorityThreadInfo = RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal;
++/// Get the calling thread's information, to be able to promote it to real-time from somewhere
++/// else, later.
++/// This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++/// cannot promote itself directly.
++/// # Return value
++/// Ok in case of success, with an opaque structure containing relevant info for the platform, Err
++/// otherwise.
++pub fn get_current_thread_info() -> Result<RtPriorityThreadInfo, ()> {
++ return get_current_thread_info_internal();
++/// Return a byte buffer containing serialized information about a thread, to promote it to
++/// real-time from elsewhere.
++/// This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++/// cannot promote itself directly.
++pub fn thread_info_serialize(
++ thread_info: RtPriorityThreadInfo,
++) -> [u8; std::mem::size_of::<RtPriorityThreadInfo>()] {
++ return thread_info.serialize();
++/// From a byte buffer, return a `RtPriorityThreadInfo`.
++/// This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++/// cannot promote itself directly.
++/// # Arguments
++/// A byte buffer containing a serializezd `RtPriorityThreadInfo`.
++pub fn thread_info_deserialize(
++ bytes: [u8; std::mem::size_of::<RtPriorityThreadInfo>()],
++) -> RtPriorityThreadInfo {
++ return RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal::deserialize(bytes);
++/// Get the calling threads' information, to promote it from another process or thread, with a C
++/// API.
++/// This is intended to call on the thread that will end up being promoted to real time priority,
++/// but that cannot do it itself (probably because of sandboxing reasons).
++/// After use, it MUST be freed by calling `atp_free_thread_info`.
++/// # Return value
++/// A pointer to a struct that can be serialized and deserialized, and that can be passed to
++/// `atp_promote_thread_to_real_time`, even from another process.
++pub extern "C" fn atp_get_current_thread_info() -> *mut atp_thread_info {
++ match get_current_thread_info() {
++ Ok(thread_info) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(atp_thread_info(thread_info))),
++ _ => std::ptr::null_mut(),
++ }
++/// Frees a thread info, with a c api.
++/// # Arguments
++/// thread_info: the `atp_thread_info` structure to free.
++/// # Return value
++/// 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise (if `thread_info` is NULL).
++pub extern "C" fn atp_free_thread_info(thread_info: *mut atp_thread_info) -> i32 {
++ if thread_info.is_null() {
++ return 1;
++ }
++ unsafe { Box::from_raw(thread_info) };
++ 0
++/// Return a byte buffer containing serialized information about a thread, to promote it to
++/// real-time from elsewhere, with a C API.
++/// `bytes` MUST be `std::mem::size_of<RtPriorityThreadInfo>()` bytes long.
++/// This is exposed in the C API as `ATP_THREAD_INFO_SIZE`.
++/// This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed, cannot promote itself
++/// directly, and the `atp_thread_info` struct must be passed via IPC.
++pub extern "C" fn atp_serialize_thread_info(
++ thread_info: *mut atp_thread_info,
++ bytes: *mut libc::c_void,
++) {
++ let thread_info = unsafe { &mut *thread_info };
++ let source = thread_info.0.serialize();
++ unsafe {
++ std::ptr::copy(source.as_ptr(), bytes as *mut u8, source.len());
++ }
++/// From a byte buffer, return a `RtPriorityThreadInfo`, with a C API.
++/// This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++/// cannot promote itself directly.
++/// # Arguments
++/// A byte buffer containing a serializezd `RtPriorityThreadInfo`.
++pub extern "C" fn atp_deserialize_thread_info(
++ in_bytes: *mut u8,
++) -> *mut atp_thread_info {
++ let bytes = unsafe { *(in_bytes as *mut [u8; std::mem::size_of::<RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal>()]) };
++ let thread_info = RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal::deserialize(bytes);
++ return Box::into_raw(Box::new(atp_thread_info(thread_info)));
++/// Promote a particular thread thread to real-time priority.
++/// This call is useful on Linux desktop only, when the process is sandboxed and
++/// cannot promote itself directly.
++/// # Arguments
++/// * `thread_info` - informations about the thread to promote, gathered using
++/// `get_current_thread_info`.
++/// * `audio_buffer_frames` - the exact or an upper limit on the number of frames that have to be
++/// rendered each callback, or 0 for a sensible default value.
++/// * `audio_samplerate_hz` - the sample-rate for this audio stream, in Hz.
++/// # Return value
++/// This function returns a `Result<RtPriorityHandle>`, which is an opaque struct to be passed to
++/// `demote_current_thread_from_real_time` to revert to the previous thread priority.
++pub fn promote_thread_to_real_time(
++ thread_info: RtPriorityThreadInfo,
++ audio_buffer_frames: u32,
++ audio_samplerate_hz: u32,
++) -> Result<RtPriorityHandle, ()> {
++ if audio_samplerate_hz == 0 {
++ return Err(());
++ }
++ return promote_thread_to_real_time_internal(
++ thread_info,
++ audio_buffer_frames,
++ audio_samplerate_hz,
++ );
++/// Demotes a thread from real-time priority.
++/// # Arguments
++/// * `thread_info` - An opaque struct returned from a successful call to
++/// `get_current_thread_info`.
++/// # Return value
++/// `Ok` in case of success, `Err` otherwise.
++pub fn demote_thread_from_real_time(thread_info: RtPriorityThreadInfo) -> Result<(), ()> {
++ return demote_thread_from_real_time_internal(thread_info);
++/// Opaque info to a particular thread.
++pub struct atp_thread_info(RtPriorityThreadInfo);
++/// Promote a specific thread to real-time, with a C API.
++/// This is useful when the thread to promote cannot make some system calls necessary to promote
++/// it.
++/// # Arguments
++/// `thread_info` - the information of the thread to promote to real-time, gather from calling
++/// `atp_get_current_thread_info` on the thread to promote.
++/// * `audio_buffer_frames` - the exact or an upper limit on the number of frames that have to be
++/// rendered each callback, or 0 for a sensible default value.
++/// * `audio_samplerate_hz` - the sample-rate for this audio stream, in Hz.
++/// # Return value
++/// A pointer to an `atp_handle` in case of success, NULL otherwise.
++pub extern "C" fn atp_promote_thread_to_real_time(
++ thread_info: *mut atp_thread_info,
++ audio_buffer_frames: u32,
++ audio_samplerate_hz: u32,
++) -> *mut atp_handle {
++ let thread_info = unsafe { &mut *thread_info };
++ match promote_thread_to_real_time(thread_info.0, audio_buffer_frames, audio_samplerate_hz) {
++ Ok(handle) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(atp_handle(handle))),
++ _ => std::ptr::null_mut(),
++ }
++/// Demote a thread promoted to from real-time, with a C API.
++/// # Arguments
++/// `handle` - an opaque struct received from a promoting function.
++/// # Return value
++/// 0 in case of success, non-zero otherwise.
++pub extern "C" fn atp_demote_thread_from_real_time(thread_info: *mut atp_thread_info) -> i32 {
++ if thread_info.is_null() {
++ return 1;
++ }
++ let thread_info = unsafe { (*thread_info).0 };
++ match demote_thread_from_real_time(thread_info) {
++ Ok(_) => 0,
++ _ => 1,
++ }
++/// Set a real-time limit for the calling thread.
++/// # Arguments
++/// `audio_buffer_frames` - the number of frames the audio callback has to render each quantum. 0
++/// picks a rather high default value.
++/// `audio_samplerate_hz` - the sample-rate of the audio stream.
++/// # Return value
++/// 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise.
++pub extern "C" fn atp_set_real_time_limit(audio_buffer_frames: u32,
++ audio_samplerate_hz: u32) -> i32 {
++ let r = set_real_time_hard_limit(audio_buffer_frames, audio_samplerate_hz);
++ if r.is_err() {
++ return 1;
++ }
++ 0
+ /// Promote the calling thread thread to real-time priority.
+ ///
+ /// # Arguments
+ ///
+ /// * `audio_buffer_frames` - the exact or an upper limit on the number of frames that have to be
+ /// rendered each callback, or 0 for a sensible default value.
+ /// * `audio_samplerate_hz` - the sample-rate for this audio stream, in Hz.
+ ///
+@@ -200,9 +463,91 @@ mod tests {
+ Ok(_) => {}
+ Err(e) => {
+ panic!(e);
+ }
+ }
+ // automatically deallocated, but not demoted until the thread exits.
+ }
+ }
++ cfg_if! {
++ if #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] {
++ use nix::unistd::*;
++ use nix::sys::signal::*;
++ #[test]
++ fn test_linux_api() {
++ {
++ let info = get_current_thread_info().unwrap();
++ match promote_thread_to_real_time(info, 512, 44100) {
++ Ok(_) => {
++ }
++ Err(e) => {
++ panic!(e);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ {
++ let info = get_current_thread_info().unwrap();
++ let bytes = info.serialize();
++ let info2 = RtPriorityThreadInfo::deserialize(bytes);
++ assert!(info == info2);
++ }
++ {
++ let info = get_current_thread_info().unwrap();
++ let bytes = thread_info_serialize(info);
++ let info2 = thread_info_deserialize(bytes);
++ assert!(info == info2);
++ }
++ }
++ #[test]
++ fn test_remote_promotion() {
++ let (rd, wr) = pipe().unwrap();
++ match fork().expect("fork failed") {
++ ForkResult::Parent{ child } => {
++ eprintln!("Parent PID: {}", getpid());
++ let mut bytes = [0 as u8; std::mem::size_of::<RtPriorityThreadInfo>()];
++ match read(rd, &mut bytes) {
++ Ok(_) => {
++ let info = RtPriorityThreadInfo::deserialize(bytes);
++ match promote_thread_to_real_time(info, 0, 44100) {
++ Ok(_) => {
++ eprintln!("thread promotion in the child from the parent succeeded");
++ assert!(true);
++ }
++ Err(_) => {
++ eprintln!("promotion Err");
++ assert!(false);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ Err(e) => {
++ eprintln!("could not read from the pipe: {}", e);
++ }
++ }
++ kill(child, SIGKILL).expect("Could not kill the child?");
++ }
++ ForkResult::Child => {
++ let r = set_real_time_hard_limit(0, 44100);
++ if r.is_err() {
++ eprintln!("Could not set RT limit, the test will fail.");
++ }
++ eprintln!("Child pid: {}", getpid());
++ let info = get_current_thread_info().unwrap();
++ let bytes = info.serialize();
++ match write(wr, &bytes) {
++ Ok(_) => {
++ loop {
++ std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100));
++ eprintln!("child sleeping, waiting to be promoted...");
++ }
++ }
++ Err(_) => {
++ eprintln!("write error on the pipe.");
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ }
+diff --git a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/ b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/
+--- a/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/
++++ b/third_party/rust/audio_thread_priority/src/
+@@ -4,132 +4,239 @@
+ /* Widely copied from dbus-rs/dbus/examples/ */
+ extern crate dbus;
+ extern crate libc;
+ use std::cmp;
+ use std::error::Error;
++use std::io::Error as OSError;
+ use dbus::{Connection, BusType, Props, MessageItem, Message};
+ const DBUS_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: i32 = 10_000;
+ const RT_PRIO_DEFAULT: u32 = 10;
+ // This is different from libc::pid_t, which is 32 bits, and is defined in sys/types.h.
+ #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
+ type kernel_pid_t = libc::c_long;
++#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
++pub struct RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal {
++ /// The PID of the process containing `thread_id` below.
++ pid: libc::pid_t,
++ /// System-wise thread id, use to promote the thread via dbus.
++ thread_id: kernel_pid_t,
++ /// Process-local thread id, used to restore scheduler characteristics. This information is not
++ /// useful in another process, but is useful tied to the `thread_id`, when back into the first
++ /// process.
++ pthread_id: libc::pthread_t,
++ /// ...
++ policy: libc::c_int,
++ /// ...
++ param: libc::sched_param,
++impl RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal {
++ /// Serialize a RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal to a byte buffer.
++ pub fn serialize(&self) -> [u8; std::mem::size_of::<Self>()] {
++ unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<Self, [u8; std::mem::size_of::<Self>()]>(*self) }
++ }
++ /// Get an RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal from a byte buffer.
++ pub fn deserialize(bytes: [u8; std::mem::size_of::<Self>()]) -> Self {
++ unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<[u8; std::mem::size_of::<Self>()], Self>(bytes) }
++ }
++impl PartialEq for RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal {
++ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
++ self.thread_id == other.thread_id &&
++ self.pthread_id == other.pthread_id
++ }
+ /*#[derive(Debug)]*/
+ pub struct RtPriorityHandleInternal {
+- /// Process-local thread id, used to restore scheduler characteristics.
+- pthread_id: libc::pthread_t,
+- /// The scheduler originaly associated with this thread (probably SCHED_OTHER).
+- policy: libc::c_int,
+- /// The initial priority for this thread.
+- param: libc::sched_param,
++ thread_info: RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal,
+ }
+ fn item_as_i64(i: MessageItem) -> Result<i64, Box<dyn Error>> {
+ match i {
+ MessageItem::Int32(i) => Ok(i as i64),
+ MessageItem::Int64(i) => Ok(i),
+ _ => Err(Box::from(&*format!("Property is not integer ({:?})", i)))
+ }
+ }
+-fn rtkit_set_realtime(c: &Connection, thread: u64, prio: u32) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
+- let mut m = Message::new_method_call("org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1",
+- "/org/freedesktop/RealtimeKit1",
+- "org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1",
+- "MakeThreadRealtime")?;
+- m.append_items(&[thread.into(), prio.into()]);
++fn rtkit_set_realtime(thread: u64, pid: u64, prio: u32) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
++ let m = if unsafe { libc::getpid() as u64 } == pid {
++ let mut m = Message::new_method_call("org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1",
++ "/org/freedesktop/RealtimeKit1",
++ "org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1",
++ "MakeThreadRealtime")?;
++ m.append_items(&[thread.into(), prio.into()]);
++ m
++ } else {
++ let mut m = Message::new_method_call("org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1",
++ "/org/freedesktop/RealtimeKit1",
++ "org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1",
++ "MakeThreadRealtimeWithPID")?;
++ m.append_items(&[pid.into(), thread.into(), prio.into()]);
++ m
++ };
++ let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::System)?;
+ c.send_with_reply_and_block(m, DBUS_SOCKET_TIMEOUT)?;
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+-fn make_realtime(tid: kernel_pid_t, requested_slice_us: u64, prio: u32) -> Result<u32, Box<dyn Error>> {
++/// Returns the maximum priority, maximum real-time time slice, and the current real-time time
++/// slice for this process.
++fn get_limits() -> Result<(i64, u64, libc::rlimit64), Box<dyn Error>> {
+ let c = Connection::get_private(BusType::System)?;
+ let p = Props::new(&c, "org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1", "/org/freedesktop/RealtimeKit1",
+- "org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1", DBUS_SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
++ "org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1", DBUS_SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
++ let mut current_limit = libc::rlimit64 {
++ rlim_cur: 0,
++ rlim_max: 0
++ };
+- // Make sure we don't fail by wanting too much
+ let max_prio = item_as_i64(p.get("MaxRealtimePriority")?)?;
+ if max_prio < 0 {
+ return Err(Box::from("invalid negative MaxRealtimePriority"));
+ }
+- let prio = cmp::min(prio, max_prio as u32);
+- // Enforce RLIMIT_RTPRIO, also a must before asking rtkit for rtprio
+ let max_rttime = item_as_i64(p.get("RTTimeUSecMax")?)?;
+ if max_rttime < 0 {
+ return Err(Box::from("invalid negative RTTimeUSecMax"));
+ }
+- // Only take what we need, or cap at the system limit, no further.
+- let rttime_request = cmp::min(requested_slice_us, max_rttime as u64);
+- // Set a soft limit to the limit requested, to be able to handle going over the limit using
+- // SIXCPU. Set the hard limit to the maxium slice to prevent getting SIGKILL.
+- let new_limit = libc::rlimit64 { rlim_cur: rttime_request,
+- rlim_max: max_rttime as u64 };
+- let mut old_limit = new_limit;
+- if unsafe { libc::getrlimit64(libc::RLIMIT_RTTIME, &mut old_limit) } < 0 {
++ if unsafe { libc::getrlimit64(libc::RLIMIT_RTTIME, &mut current_limit) } < 0 {
++ error!("getrlimit64: {}", OSError::last_os_error().raw_os_error().unwrap());
+ return Err(Box::from("getrlimit failed"));
+ }
++ Ok((max_prio, (max_rttime as u64), current_limit))
++fn set_limits(request: u64, max: u64) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
++ // Set a soft limit to the limit requested, to be able to handle going over the limit using
++ // SIGXCPU. Set the hard limit to the maxium slice to prevent getting SIGKILL.
++ let new_limit = libc::rlimit64 { rlim_cur: request,
++ rlim_max: max };
+ if unsafe { libc::setrlimit64(libc::RLIMIT_RTTIME, &new_limit) } < 0 {
+ return Err(Box::from("setrlimit failed"));
+ }
+- // Finally, let's ask rtkit to make us realtime
+- let r = rtkit_set_realtime(&c, tid as u64, prio);
+- if r.is_err() {
+- unsafe { libc::setrlimit64(libc::RLIMIT_RTTIME, &old_limit) };
+- return Err(Box::from("could not set process as real-time."));
+- }
+- Ok(prio)
++ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn promote_current_thread_to_real_time_internal(audio_buffer_frames: u32,
+- audio_samplerate_hz: u32) -> Result<RtPriorityHandleInternal, ()>
++ audio_samplerate_hz: u32)
++ -> Result<RtPriorityHandleInternal, ()> {
++ let thread_info = get_current_thread_info_internal()?;
++ promote_thread_to_real_time_internal(thread_info, audio_buffer_frames, audio_samplerate_hz)
++pub fn demote_current_thread_from_real_time_internal(rt_priority_handle: RtPriorityHandleInternal)
++ -> Result<(), ()> {
++ assert!(unsafe { libc::pthread_self() } == rt_priority_handle.thread_info.pthread_id);
++ if unsafe { libc::pthread_setschedparam(rt_priority_handle.thread_info.pthread_id,
++ rt_priority_handle.thread_info.policy,
++ &rt_priority_handle.thread_info.param) } < 0 {
++ error!("could not demote thread {}", OSError::last_os_error().raw_os_error().unwrap());
++ return Err(());
++ }
++ return Ok(());
++/// This can be called by sandboxed code, it only restores priority to what they were.
++pub fn demote_thread_from_real_time_internal(thread_info: RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal)
++ -> Result<(), ()> {
++ let param = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed::<libc::sched_param>() };
++ //
++ const SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK: libc::c_int = 0x40000000;
++ if unsafe { libc::pthread_setschedparam(thread_info.pthread_id,
++ &param) } < 0 {
++ error!("could not demote thread {}", OSError::last_os_error().raw_os_error().unwrap());
++ return Err(());
++ }
++ return Ok(());
++/// Get the current thread information, as an opaque struct, that can be serialized and sent
++/// accross processes. This is enough to capture the current state of the scheduling policy, and
++/// an identifier to have another thread promoted to real-time.
++pub fn get_current_thread_info_internal() -> Result<RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal, ()> {
+ let thread_id = unsafe { libc::syscall(libc::SYS_gettid) };
+ let pthread_id = unsafe { libc::pthread_self() };
+ let mut param = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed::<libc::sched_param>() };
+ let mut policy = 0;
+ if unsafe { libc::pthread_getschedparam(pthread_id, &mut policy, &mut param) } < 0 {
+- error!("pthread_getschedparam error {}", pthread_id);
++ error!("pthread_getschedparam error {}", OSError::last_os_error().raw_os_error().unwrap());
+ return Err(());
+ }
++ let pid = unsafe { libc::getpid() };
++ Ok(RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal {
++ pid,
++ thread_id,
++ pthread_id,
++ policy,
++ param
++ })
++/// This set the RLIMIT_RTTIME resource to something other than "unlimited". It's necessary for the
++/// rtkit request to succeed, and needs to hapen in the child. We can't get the real limit here,
++/// because we don't have access to DBUS, so it is hardcoded to 200ms, which is the default in the
++/// rtkit package.
++pub fn set_real_time_hard_limit_internal(audio_buffer_frames: u32,
++ audio_samplerate_hz: u32) -> Result<(), ()> {
+ let buffer_frames = if audio_buffer_frames > 0 {
+ audio_buffer_frames
+ } else {
+ // 50ms slice. This "ought to be enough for anybody".
+ audio_samplerate_hz / 20
+ };
+ let budget_us = (buffer_frames * 1_000_000 / audio_samplerate_hz) as u64;
+- let handle = RtPriorityHandleInternal { pthread_id, policy, param};
+- let r = make_realtime(thread_id, budget_us, RT_PRIO_DEFAULT);
+- if r.is_err() {
+- warn!("Could not make thread real-time.");
+- return Err(());
+- }
+- return Ok(handle);
++ // It's only necessary to set RLIMIT_RTTIME to something when in the child, skip it if it's a
++ // remoting call.
++ let (_, max_rttime, _) = get_limits().map_err(|_| {})?;
++ // Only take what we need, or cap at the system limit, no further.
++ let rttime_request = cmp::min(budget_us, max_rttime as u64);
++ set_limits(rttime_request, max_rttime).map_err(|_| {})?;
++ Ok(())
+ }
+-pub fn demote_current_thread_from_real_time_internal(rt_priority_handle: RtPriorityHandleInternal)
+- -> Result<(), ()> {
+- assert!(unsafe { libc::pthread_self() } == rt_priority_handle.pthread_id);
++/// Promote a thread (possibly in another process) identified by its tid, to real-time.
++pub fn promote_thread_to_real_time_internal(thread_info: RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal,
++ audio_buffer_frames: u32,
++ audio_samplerate_hz: u32) -> Result<RtPriorityHandleInternal, ()>
++ let RtPriorityThreadInfoInternal { pid, thread_id, .. } = thread_info;
++ let handle = RtPriorityHandleInternal { thread_info };
++ let (_, _, limits) = get_limits().map_err(|_| {})?;
++ set_real_time_hard_limit_internal(audio_buffer_frames, audio_samplerate_hz)?;
+- if unsafe { libc::pthread_setschedparam(rt_priority_handle.pthread_id,
+- rt_priority_handle.policy,
+- &rt_priority_handle.param) } < 0 {
+- warn!("could not demote thread {}", rt_priority_handle.pthread_id);
+- return Err(());
++ let r = rtkit_set_realtime(thread_id as u64, pid as u64, RT_PRIO_DEFAULT);
++ if r.is_err() {
++ if unsafe { libc::setrlimit64(libc::RLIMIT_RTTIME, &limits) } < 0 {
++ error!("setrlimit64: {}", OSError::last_os_error().raw_os_error().unwrap());
++ return Err(());
++ }
+ }
+- return Ok(());
++ return Ok(handle);
+ }