path: root/audio-creation/supercollider/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'audio-creation/supercollider/')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/audio-creation/supercollider/ b/audio-creation/supercollider/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e8a1a7ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio-creation/supercollider/
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" "$@"
+set g(sclang_path) /path/to/SuperCollider3/build/
+set g(sclang_path_help) /path/to/SuperCollider3/build/Help/
+set g(app) "/usr/bin/sclang";
+set g(server_app) "/usr/bin/scsynth";
+set g(jack_inputs) 2;
+set g(jack_outputs) 2;
+set g(bgcolor) #ffffff
+set g(txtcolor) #000000
+set g(selectcolor) #ff0000
+set g(winnum) 0
+set g(fontsize) 12
+set g(fontsizesm) 12
+proc read_prefs { } {
+ global g
+ if { [file exists "~/.scfrontrc"] } {
+ set fd [open "~/.scfrontrc" r]
+ set g(sclang_path) [gets $fd]
+ set g(sclang_path_help) [gets $fd]
+ set g(app) [gets $fd]
+ set g(server_app) [gets $fd]
+ set g(jack_inputs) [gets $fd]
+ set g(jack_outputs) [gets $fd]
+ set g(bgcolor) [gets $fd]
+ set g(txtcolor) [gets $fd]
+ set g(selectcolor) [gets $fd]
+ close $fd
+ }
+proc write_prefs { } {
+ global g
+ set fd [open "~/.scfrontrc" w]
+ puts $fd "$g(sclang_path)";
+ puts $fd "$g(sclang_path_help)";
+ puts $fd "$g(app)";
+ puts $fd "$g(server_app)";
+ puts $fd "$g(jack_inputs)"
+ puts $fd "$g(jack_outputs)"
+ puts $fd "$g(bgcolor)";
+ puts $fd "$g(txtcolor)";
+ puts $fd "$g(selectcolor)";
+ close $fd
+#### Main prefs
+# file descriptor for sclang pipe
+set g(fd) 0;
+set g(server_fd) 0;
+font create mainfont -family Courier -size 12
+font create mainfontsm -family Helvetica -size 10
+set g(font) mainfont
+set g(fontsm) mainfontsm
+proc new_window { filename } {
+ global g
+ #set top [toplevel .[eval $g(winnum) ]]
+ set top [toplevel .$g(winnum)]
+ incr g(winnum)
+ wm title $top "Super Collider"
+ set main [ frame $top.m ]
+ frame $
+ menubutton $ -text "File" -underline 0 -menu $ -borderwidth 0
+ set tmp [menu $]
+ $tmp add command -label "New" -underline 0 -accelerator Ctrl+n -command {new_window "new"}
+ $tmp add command -label "Open..." -underline 0 -accelerator Ctrl+o -command "open_file"
+ $tmp add command -label "Save" -underline 0 -accelerator Ctrl+s -command "save_file $main"
+ $tmp add command -label "Save as..." -underline 0 -command "save_file_as $top"
+ $tmp add command -label "Close" -accelerator Ctrl+w -command "destroy $top"
+ $tmp add separator
+ $tmp add command -label Quit -underline 0 -accelerator Ctrl+q -command "exit"
+ menubutton $ -text "View" -underline 0 -menu $ -borderwidth 0
+ set tmp [menu $]
+ #$tmp add check -label "Goto Line" -command "goto_line " -underline 0
+ $tmp add check -label "Word Wrap" -command "toggle_word_wrap $main" \
+ -underline 0 -variable g(wordwrap) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
+ $tmp add separator
+ $tmp add command -label "Refresh Highlighting" -command "syntax_highlight 1 end" \
+ -underline 0
+ $tmp add separator
+ $tmp add command -label "Font Larger" -command "view_font_size 1" \
+ -underline 5 -accelerator Ctrl+Plus
+ $tmp add command -label "Font Smaller" -command "view_font_size -1" \
+ -underline 5 -accelerator Ctrl+Minus
+ menubutton $ -text "Help" -underline 0 -menu $ -borderwidth 0
+ set tmp [menu $]
+ $tmp add command -label "About Scfront" -command { about }
+ $tmp add command -label "SC Help" -command { puts "open help here" }
+ label $ -text "0.0" -font $g(fontsm)
+ scrollbar $main.scroll -command "$main.status yview" -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken \
+ -elementborderwidth 1
+ text $main.status -background $g(bgcolor) -foreground $g(txtcolor) -height 40 \
+ -selectborderwidth 0 -selectbackground $g(selectcolor) -exportselection 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand "$main.scroll set" -wrap none -font $g(font) \
+ -tabs { 0.7c left} -border 0
+ pack $ $ -padx 2 -side right -anchor e
+ pack $ $ -padx 2 -side left
+ pack $ -anchor w -fill x
+ pack $main.scroll -fill y -side right -padx 0
+ pack $main.status -side right -fill both -expand 1 -padx 0
+ pack $main -fill both -expand 1
+ if { $filename == "new" } {
+ label $main.filename
+ wm title $top "Super Collider New File"
+ } else {
+ if { [file exists $filename] } {
+ set fd [open $filename r+]
+ $main.status insert insert [read $fd]
+ label $main.filename -text $filename
+ wm title $top "$filename"
+ }
+ }
+ bind $top <Control-l> "sendit $main.status"
+ bind $top <Control-space> "sendit $main.status"
+ bind $main.status <Control-f> "helpsearch $main.status; break;"
+ #bind $main.status <Control-d> "helpsearch $main.status; break;"
+ bind $top <Control-period> "send_stopsound"
+ bind $top <Control-s> "save_file $main"
+ bind $top <Control-q> { exit }
+ bind $main.status <Double-1> "dclick $main.status;break;"
+ bind $main.status <KeyRelease> "update_status $main"
+ #bind $main.status <F1> "update_status $main"
+ bind $top <Control-n> {new_window "new"}
+ bind $top <Control-o> {open_file}
+ bind $top <Control-w> "destroy $top"
+proc update_status { main } {
+ $ configure -text [$main.status index insert]
+proc toggle_word_wrap { main } {
+ global g
+ switch -- $g(wordwrap) {
+ 1 { $main.status configure -wrap word }
+ default { $main.status configure -wrap none }
+ }
+proc getinput {} {
+ global g
+ gets $g(fd) line
+ $g(status) insert insert "$line\n"
+ $g(status) see end
+proc sclanginit {} {
+ global g
+ set cwd [pwd]
+ cd $g(sclang_path)
+ if { $g(fd) != 0 } {
+ catch {exec killall $g(app) }
+ catch {close $g(fd)}
+ }
+ set g(fd) [open "|$g(app)" r+]
+ cd $cwd
+ fconfigure $g(fd) -buffering line
+ fileevent $g(fd) readable getinput
+proc getserverinput {} {
+ global g
+ gets $g(server_fd) line
+ $g(status) insert insert "$line\n"
+ $g(status) see end
+proc scserverinit {} {
+ global g env
+ set env(SC_JACK_INPUT) $g(jack_inputs)
+ set env(SC_JACK_OUTPUTS) $g(jack_outputs)
+ set env(SC_JACK_DEFAULT_INPUTS) "alsa_pcm:capture_1,alsa_pcm:capture_2"
+ set env(SC_JACK_DEFAULT_OUTPUTS) "alsa_pcm:playback_1,alsa_pcm:playback_2"
+ set cwd [pwd]
+ cd $g(sclang_path)
+ exec rm -rf synthdefs
+ exec mkdir synthdefs
+ if { $g(server_fd) != 0 } {
+ catch {exec killall $g(server_app) }
+ catch {close $g(server_fd)}
+ }
+ set g(server_fd) [open "|$g(server_app) -i 2 -o 2 -u 57110" r+]
+ #exec nice -n -10 $g(server_fd)
+ cd $cwd
+ fconfigure $g(server_fd) -buffering line
+ fileevent $g(server_fd) readable getserverinput
+proc open_file { } {
+ set tmp [tk_getOpenFile]
+ if { $tmp != "" } {
+ new_window $tmp
+ }
+proc save_file_as { t } {
+ set filename [tk_getSaveFile]
+ if {$filename != "" } {
+ $t.m.filename configure -text $filename
+ wm title $t "$filename"
+ save_file $t.m
+ }
+proc save_file { t } {
+ set filename [$t.filename cget -text]
+ if { $filename != "" } {
+ } else {
+ set filename [tk_getSaveFile]
+ if { $filename == "" } {return;}
+ }
+ set fd [open $filename w]
+ puts $fd [$t.status get 1.0 end]
+ close $fd
+proc quit {} {
+ global g
+ catch {exec killall $g(app) }
+ catch {close $g(fd)}
+ exit
+proc send_stopsound { } {
+ global g
+ puts -nonewline $g(fd) "Server.local.freeAll;"
+ puts $g(fd) \x0c
+ flush $g(fd)
+ #puts -nonewline $tmp #puts \x0c
+proc sendit { text } {
+ global g
+ if { ![catch {$text index sel.first} ] } {
+ set tmp [$text get sel.first sel.last]
+ } else {
+ #set pos [$text index insert ]
+ #puts $pos
+ #puts [$text dlineinfo insert]
+ set idx [$text index insert ]
+ set tmp [$text get [$text index "$idx linestart"] [$text index "$idx lineend"] ]
+ }
+ if {$g(fd) != 0 } {
+ puts -nonewline $g(fd) $tmp
+ puts $g(fd) \x0c
+ flush $g(fd)
+ } else {
+ tk_dialog .dialog2 "error" {Problem: Sclang isn't started } warning 0 OK
+ }
+proc helpsearch { text } {
+ global g
+ if { ![catch {$text index sel.first} ] } {
+ # check to see if a text portion has been selected
+ set tmp [$text get sel.first sel.last]
+ puts $tmp
+ helpsearch2 $g(sclang_path_help) $tmp
+ } else {
+ # open file
+ puts "open file"
+ }
+proc helpsearch2 { directory name } {
+ global g
+ foreach i [glob -nocomplain -path "$directory/" "*$name*"] {
+ puts $i
+ new_window $i
+ return
+ }
+ foreach i [glob -nocomplain -path "$directory/" "*"] {
+ #puts $i
+ if { [file isdirectory $i] } {
+ #puts "gota dir"
+ helpsearch2 $i $name
+ }
+ }
+proc dclick { text } {
+ global g
+ #if cursor is between two chars, go left until space or linebegin and go right until space or lineend
+ ##else, its we're looking for {} pairs. go left until you find a '{' and count pairs of {} }
+ # do same thing for right side
+ set mark1 ""; set mark2 "";
+ set idx [$text index insert ]
+ set tmp [$text get [$text index $idx]]
+ if { [regexp {[a-zA-Z0-9_-]} $tmp ] } {
+ #sel word
+ set sp {[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]}
+ set mark1 [$text search -regexp -backwards $sp insert "$idx linestart"]
+ set mark2 [$text search -regexp -forwards $sp insert "$idx lineend "]
+ } else {
+ #do a regexp {[({[]} to the left and a regexp {[)}]]} to the right one char at a time
+ set i 0;
+ while { $ < 3 } {
+ set left [$text get [$text index "$idx - $i chars"]]
+ set right [$text get [$text index "$idx + $i chars"]]
+ if { [ regexp {[\(\{\[]} $left ] } {
+ #puts "got left $left";
+ if { $left == "\(" } { set close "\)" }
+ if { $left == "\{" } { set close "\}" }
+ if { $left == "\[" } { set close "\]" }
+ set newidx [$text index "$idx - $i chars"]
+ set mark1 $newidx
+ set j 0; set count -1;
+ while { $j < 62000 } {
+ set c [$text get [$text index "$newidx + $j chars"]]
+ if { $c == $left } { incr count }
+ if { $c == $close } {
+ if { $count == 0 } {
+ set mark2 [$text index "$newidx + $j chars"];
+ break;
+ } else {
+ incr count -1
+ }
+ }
+ incr j
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if { [ regexp {[\)\}\]]} $right ] } {
+ #puts "got right $right";
+ if { $right == "\)" } { set close "\(" }
+ if { $right == "\}" } { set close "\{" }
+ if { $right == "\]" } { set close "\[" }
+ set newidx [$text index "$idx + $i chars"]
+ set mark2 $newidx
+ set j 0; set count -1; ##have to do this for right search
+ while { $j < 62000 } {
+ set c [$text get [$text index "$newidx - $j chars"]]
+ if { $c == $right } { incr count }
+ if { $c == $close } {
+ if { $count == 0 } {
+ set mark1 [$text index "$newidx - $j chars"];
+ break;
+ } else {
+ incr count -1
+ }
+ }
+ incr j
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ #puts "$char $direction"
+ }
+ if {$mark1 == "" } { set mark1 [$text index "$idx linestart -1 chars"] }
+ if {$mark2 == "" } { set mark2 [$text index "$idx lineend"] }
+ $text tag remove sel 0.0 end
+ $text tag add sel "$mark1 + 1 chars" $mark2
+ $text mark set insert "$mark1 + 1 chars"
+proc about { } {
+ global g
+ catch {destroy .a}
+ toplevel .a
+ wm title .a "About Scfront"
+ frame .a.p
+ label .a.p.l -text "Ceci n'est pa un text editor"
+ pack .a.p
+ pack .a.p.l -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+proc preferences { } {
+ global g
+ catch {destroy .t}
+ toplevel .t
+ wm title .t "Scfront Preferences"
+ frame .t.pref
+ entry .t.pref.scdir -textvariable g(sclang_path) -width 60
+ label .t.pref.scdirlabel -text "Path to SuperCollider Directory"
+ entry .t.pref.schelpdir -textvariable g(sclang_path_help) -width 60
+ label .t.pref.schelpdirlabel -text "Path to SuperCollider Help files"
+ entry .t.pref.scapp -textvariable g(app) -width 60
+ label .t.pref.scapplabel -text "sclang (with or without full path)"
+ entry .t.pref.scserverapp -textvariable g(server_app) -width 60
+ label .t.pref.scserverapplabel -text "scsynth (with or without full path)"
+ entry .t.pref.jack_ins -textvariable g(jack_inputs) -width 30
+ label .t.pref.jack_inslabel -text "jack inputs"
+ entry .t.pref.jack_outs -textvariable g(jack_outputs) -width 30
+ label .t.pref.jack_outslabel -text "jack outputs"
+ button .t.pref.bgcolor -bg $g(bgcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor) -text "bg color" -command {
+ set g(bgcolor) [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $g(bgcolor) -title "Choose color"]
+ .t.pref.bgcolor configure -bg $g(bgcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor)
+ .t.pref.txtcolor configure -bg $g(bgcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor)
+ }
+ button .t.pref.txtcolor -bg $g(bgcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor) -text "txt color" -command {
+ set g(txtcolor) [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $g(txtcolor) -title "Choose color"]
+ .t.pref.bgcolor configure -bg $g(bgcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor)
+ .t.pref.txtcolor configure -bg $g(bgcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor)
+ }
+ button .t.pref.selectcolor -bg $g(selectcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor) -text "select color" -command {
+ set g(selectcolor) [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $g(selectcolor) -title "Choose color"]
+ .t.pref.selectcolor configure -bg $g(selectcolor) -fg $g(txtcolor)
+ }
+ button -text "save" -command {
+ write_prefs
+ destroy .t
+ }
+ button .t.pref.cancel -text "cancel" -command { destroy .t }
+ pack .t.pref
+ pack .t.pref.scdirlabel .t.pref.scdir -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.schelpdirlabel .t.pref.schelpdir -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.scapplabel .t.pref.scapp -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.scserverapplabel .t.pref.scserverapp -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.jack_inslabel .t.pref.jack_ins -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.jack_outslabel .t.pref.jack_outs -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.bgcolor -side left -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.txtcolor -side left -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.selectcolor -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack -side left -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+ pack .t.pref.cancel -side left -anchor nw -padx 4 -pady 1
+set main [frame .m]
+wm title . "Super Collider"
+frame $
+menubutton $ -text "File" -menu $ -borderwidth 0 -underline 0
+set tmp [menu $]
+ $tmp add command -label "New" -command {new_window "new"} -underline 0 -accelerator Ctrl+n
+ $tmp add command -label "Open..." -command open_file -underline 0 -accelerator Ctrl+o
+ $tmp add separator
+ $tmp add command -label "Preferences" -command { preferences }
+ $tmp add separator
+ $tmp add command -label Quit -command "exit" -underline 0 -accelerator Ctrl+q
+set g(status) [text $main.status -background $g(bgcolor) -foreground $g(txtcolor) -height 10 -width 60\
+ -selectborderwidth 0 -selectbackground $g(selectcolor) -exportselection 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand "$main.scroll set" -wrap none]
+frame $main.buts
+button $main.buts.sclangstart -text "Start sclang" -command "sclanginit" -default active
+button $main.buts.scsynthstart -text "Boot Server" -command "scserverinit" -default active
+scrollbar $main.scroll -command "$main.status yview"
+pack $main.buts.sclangstart -side left
+pack $main.buts.scsynthstart
+pack $ -anchor sw
+pack $
+pack $main.buts -anchor w
+pack $main.scroll -fill y -side right
+pack $main.status -side right -fill both -expand 1
+pack $main -fill both -expand 1
+bind . <Control-q> { exit }
+bind . <Control-n> {new_window "new"}
+bind . <Control-o> {open_file}
+#set sp {[ \t(){}]}
+#set sp {[ \t]}
+#set sp {[^a-z|^A-Z|^\-|^_|^0-9]}
+#set sp {[^a-zA-Z]*[^A-Za-z]}
+#set sp {[]{},;[().>+~!&*/%<=^|?:-]}
+#set sp {(^[A-Z]*)(^([[0-9][a-z]])*)}
+#set exp1 {^\"\[^\" \t\n\]+}