path: root/audio-creation/csound/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'audio-creation/csound/Makefile')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/audio-creation/csound/Makefile b/audio-creation/csound/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7290fb5fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio-creation/csound/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+# Csound Makefile
+# edit the following definitions according to need:
+INCLUDE = /usr/include
+LIB = /usr/lib
+DEST = /usr/bin
+MAN = /usr/man
+MAN1 = $(MAN)/man1
+CAT1 = $(MAN)/cat1
+# these directories must exist for stages beyond 'make csound'
+CC = gcc
+# choose either -
+# CDEP = for UNIX
+# COBS = $(COBJS)
+# CC = cc
+# or -
+# COBS = @$(CDEP)
+# CC = gcc
+# .c.o:
+# $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c -o $@
+# choose any of -
+# -DSYS5 invoke System 5 headers (e.g. 'string.h' for 'strings.h')
+# -DWINDOWS include window system calls (X11, SGI, or FG graphics)
+# -DRTAUDIO include real-time sound i/o via DEC or other audio-board
+# -DDOSGCC for PC, if above defined CC = gcc compiler under MSDOS
+# -DHPUX -D_HPUX_SOURCE for HP compilation under HP Unix
+# -DPIPES if system supports popen and pclose calls
+# at most one of -
+# -DSFIRCAM read/write IRCAM-format soundfiles, with 1024-byte header;
+# -DSFSUN41 read/write SUN4.1-format soundfiles, with their own header;
+# -DNeXT read/write NeXT-format soundfiles, with their own header;
+# (else read/write sound with no headers)
+# and at most one of -
+# -DDEC send rtaudio calls to DEC audio device handler
+# -DSGI send rtaudio calls to SGI audio device handler
+# -Dsun send rtaudio calls to sun audio device handler
+# -Dsol send rtaudio calls to solaris audio handler
+# -DHP send rtaudio calls to HP audio device handler
+# -DLINUX send rtaudio calls to Linux audio device handler
+# Defining LINUX also enables an additional command-line option (-V <volume>)
+# and includes an extra header in 'midirecv.c'.
+# If LINUX is defined, but the target is Linux on a big-endian architecture
+# (e.g., Linux on SPARC [not tested]), you should also define -
+# -DLINUX_BE Linux audio device handler for big-endian samples
+CFLAGS = $(FLAGS) -z $(OPTS) -falign-loops=4 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -funroll-loops -DWITHx87 $(RPM_OPT_FLAGS) $(DEFINES)
+# -O Simple optimisation
+# -O2 to be more specific about the optimization level
+# -f compile single-precision floats (4.3,VAX,DEC-RISC)
+# -fsingle as above, for SUN Unix
+# -float -cckr as above, for SGI Unix
+# -f68881 employ the 68881 co-processor
+# -ffpa employ the SUN fl-pt accelerator
+# -f -DWITHx87 for PC with 80x87 floating-point coprocessor
+# -w -D__STDC__ for PC
+# -Aa for HP to invoke ANSI C compiler
+# +e for HPUX rtaudio compilation
+# +x generate HP inline 68020 and 68881 code
+# +Nd1200 expand SYS5 pass3 tablesize
+# -DWITHx87 for fpt chip on LINUX
+# -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 Recommended for GNU/Linux is PentiumIII/Athlon.#
+# Still not clear for which processor this works
+# -malign-loops=4 Recommended for GNU/Linux
+# -malign-jumps=4 Recommended for GNU/Linux
+# -malign-functions=4
+# -fno-gcse -fno-strict-aliasing (recommended bug-arounds for gcc 2.9x)
+# -mfancy-math-387 (may not be necessary, but safe to add)
+# -ffast-math produces faster and smaller code, not
+# fully tested:
+# these produce larger code, but may (or may not) be faster:
+# -fomit-frame-pointer
+# -finline-functions (N.B. do not use this with gcc 2.95.2)
+# -funroll-loops (unfortunately this option generates
+# much larger executables)
+# -I/usr/demo/SOUND to find SUN4.1 audio includes
+# -I/usr/include/X11R4 to find HP X11 includes, v.4
+# -I/usr/include/sys to find NeXT malloc.h
+# -I/usr/openwin/include Solaris openwin interface
+# -I/usr/demo/SOUND/include Solaris sound interface
+# -I/usr/X11R6/include non-RedHat distributions of Linux
+LIBS = -L /usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -ltcl8.4 -ltk8.4 -lm -ldl
+# -lefence
+# -lm required
+# -lX11 for X window calls
+# -L/usr/lib/X11R4 for HP X11 library, v.4
+# -L$(newlib) for other special access
+# -lfm_s -lgl_s for SGI graphics library
+# fgp.lib for PC FlashGraphics lib
+# -l881 tell -lm to use 68881
+# -laudio on SUN, for SFSUN41
+# -laudio on SGI, to include rt devaudio library
+# -lAlib on HP, to include rt devaudio library
+# -lmidi on NeXT, to find the midi support
+# -lbsd on old LINUX
+# -L/usr/demo/SOUND/lib on Solaris 2.4
+# -L/usr/X11R6/lib on LINUX
+# note: SuSE 7.3 users should use -ltcl8.3 -ltk8.3, but another
+# (probably better) solution is to create symbolic links
+WINSRC = winX11.c
+WINOBJ = winX11.o
+# ;if WINDOWS enabled in DEFINES, choose one of -
+# winX11.o for X11 window graphics
+# winSGI.o for SGI window graphics
+# winfg.o for PC Flash Graphics
+AUDSRC = rtlinux.c LINUXaudio.c
+AUDOBJ = rtlinux.o LINUXaudio.o
+# ;if RTAUDIO enabled in DEFINES, include one of
+# rtaudio.o general interface to audio handlers & libraries
+# rtDEC.c rtSGI.c rtHP.c rtSUN.c
+# rtmacintosh.c rtnext.c rtlinux.c rtwin32.c
+# and at most one set of -
+# rtDEC.c DECaudio.o DECplay.o rt_handlers for DECaudio (with -DDEC)
+# rtSGI.c SGIplay.o rt_handler for SGIaudio (with -DSGI)
+# rtHP.c HPplay.o rt_handler for HP audio (with -DHP)
+# rtSUN.c for SUN audio lib (with -Dsun)
+# rtlinux.c LINUXaudio.o set Linux soundcard parameters (with -DLINUX)
+# rtmacintosh.c macintosh
+# rtnext.c NeXT
+# rtwin32.c Windows 32bit MM library
+# [other things] device handlers for other hardware
+# ;if RTAUDIO enabled include
+# DECplay.h for rtaudio and DECplay (with -DDEC)
+# ;else leave blank
+# The Csound MAKE can be run in separate stages, or as a single command.
+# To create just the 'csound' executable, type
+# make csound
+# This module contains most of the functions below as Utility options
+# (see the Csound manual), but they are also available as standalones:
+# To create the standalone 'hetro', 'lpanal', 'pvanal', type
+# make hetro
+# make lpanal
+# make pvanal
+# To create all three standalones, type
+# make anals
+# To create standalone 'scot', 'cscore', 'scsort', 'extract', type
+# make scots
+# make cscores
+# make scsort
+# make extract
+# To create all four standalones, type
+# make utils1
+# To create standalone 'sndinfo', type
+# make sndinfo
+# or
+# make utils2
+# To create all the above, from 'csound' to 'utils2', type
+# make all
+# If you have completed the above, and have defined the INCLUDE, LIB & DEST
+# directories, you can now install all the executables in a single command:
+# make install
+# do not edit below this line
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# macros passed to lower-level Makef files
+MAKE = make -f makef $(MAC)
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+CSCMS = cscormai.c natbem.c
+CSRC1 = main.c argdecode.c musmon.c otran.c oload.c rdorch.c express.c
+CSRC2 = rdscor.c linevent.c cscore.c cscorfns.c insert.c entry1.c entry2.c aops.c
+CSRC3 = midiops.c midirecv.c fgens.c ugens1.c ugens2.c ugens3.c ugens4.c
+CSRC4 = ugens5.c ugens6.c ugens7.c ugens8.c ugens9.c spectra.c disprep.c
+CSRC5 = window.c winascii.c $(WINSRC) hetro.c lpanal.c lptrkfns.c pvanal.c
+CSRC6 = pvoc.c fft.c dsputil.c sndinfo.c sfheader.c soundin.c soundio.c
+CSRC7 = ulaw.c aiff.c wave.c ieee80.c filopen.c memalloc.c memfiles.c auxfd.c
+CSRC8 = windin.c dumpf.c $(AUDSRC) scot.c scsort.c scxtract.c sread.c sort.c
+CSRC9 = extract.c twarp.c swrite.c butter.c grain.c vdelay.c cmath.c follow.c
+CSRCA = cvanal.c grain4.c pvinterp.c pvread.c sndwarp.c vpvoc.c hrtferX.c
+CSRCB = winEPS.c nlfilt.c opcode.c ugrw1.c ugrw2.c ugensa.c cross2.c dam.c
+CSRCC = midiout.c midiops2.c midisend.c wavegde.c filter.c complex.c repluck.c
+CSRCD = pluck.c physutil.c physmod.c modal4.c shaker.c fm4op.c diskin.c
+CSRCE = pvadd.c moog1.c singwave.c mandolin.c space.c locsig.c dcblockr.c
+CSRCF = pvocext.c flanger.c aifc.c lowpassr.c uggab.c biquad.c one_file.c
+CSRCG = schedule.c midiops3.c pitch.c getstring.c ugsc.c fout.c sndinfUG.c
+CSRCH = pvlook.c scansyn.c sfont.c vbap.c vbap_four.c vbap_eight.c
+CSRCI = vbap_sixteen.c vbap_zak.c control.c bowedbar.c phisem.c sdif.c
+CSRCJ = sdif-mem.c babo.c ugmoss.c bbcut.c spat3d.c pvxanal.c mxfft.c
+CSRCK = pvsanal.c pstream.c pvfileio.c oscbnk.c scansynx.c oscils.c
+CSRCL = wave-terrain.c dnoise.c dnfft.c mididevice.c clfilt.c midiinterop.c
+CSRCS = $(CSRC1) $(CSRC2) $(CSRC3) $(CSRC4) $(CSRC5) $(CSRC6) $(CSRC7) \
+ $(CSRC8) $(CSRC9) $(CSRCA) $(CSRCB) $(CSRCC) $(CSRCD) $(CSRCE) \
+CSCM = cscormai.o natben.o
+COBJ1 = main.o argdecode.o musmon.o otran.o oload.o rdorch.o express.o
+COBJ2 = rdscor.o linevent.o cscore.o cscorfns.o insert.o entry1.o entry2.o aops.o
+COBJ3 = midiops.o midirecv.o fgens.o ugens1.o ugens2.o ugens3.o ugens4.o
+COBJ4 = ugens5.o ugens6.o ugens7.o ugens8.o ugens9.o spectra.o disprep.o
+COBJ5 = window.o winascii.o $(WINOBJ) hetro.o lpanal.o lptrkfns.o pvanal.o
+COBJ6 = pvoc.o fft.o dsputil.o sndinfo.o sfheader.o soundin.o soundio.o
+COBJ7 = ulaw.o aiff.o wave.o ieee80.o filopen.o memalloc.o memfiles.o auxfd.o
+COBJ8 = windin.o dumpf.o $(AUDOBJ) scot.o scsort.o scxtract.o sread.o sort.o
+COBJ9 = extract.o twarp.o swrite.o butter.o grain.o vdelay.o cmath.o follow.o
+COBJA = cvanal.o grain4.o pvinterp.o pvread.o sndwarp.o vpvoc.o hrtferX.o
+COBJB = winEPS.o nlfilt.o opcode.o ugrw1.o ugrw2.o ugensa.o cross2.o dam.o
+COBJC = midiout.o midiops2.o midisend.o wavegde.o filter.o complex.o repluck.o
+COBJD = pluck.o physutil.o physmod.o modal4.o shaker.o fm4op.o diskin.o
+COBJE = pvadd.o moog1.o singwave.o mandolin.o space.o locsig.o dcblockr.o
+COBJF = pvocext.o flanger.o aifc.o lowpassr.o uggab.o biquad.o one_file.o
+COBJG = schedule.o midiops3.o pitch.o getstring.o ugsc.o fout.o sndinfUG.o
+COBJH = pvlook.o scansyn.o sfont.o vbap.o vbap_four.o vbap_eight.o
+COBJI = vbap_sixteen.o vbap_zak.o control.o bowedbar.o phisem.o sdif.o
+COBJJ = sdif-mem.o babo.o ugmoss.o bbcut.o spat3d.o pvxanal.o mxfft.o
+COBJK = pvsanal.o pstream.o pvfileio.o oscbnk.o scansynx.o oscils.o
+COBKL = wave-terrain.o dnoise.o dnfft.o mididevice.o clfilt.o midiinterop.o
+COBJS = $(COBJ1) $(COBJ2) $(COBJ3) $(COBJ4) $(COBJ5) $(COBJ6) $(COBJ7) \
+ $(COBJ8) $(COBJ9) $(COBJA) $(COBJB) $(COBJC) $(COBJD) $(COBJE) \
+HDRS = 3Dug.h aiff.h aops.h bowed.h brass.h butter.h clarinet.h \
+ cmath.h complex.h convolve.h cs.h cscore.h dam.h diskin.h disprep.h \
+ dpwelib.h dsputil.h dumpf.h fft.h fhtfun.h filter.h flute.h fm4op.h \
+ follow.h ftgen.h grain.h grain4.h hrtferx.h ieee80.h insert.h \
+ lpc.h marimba.h midioops.h midiops.h midiops2.h midiout.h modal4.h \
+ moog1.h nlfilt.h oload.h physutil.h pluck.h prototyp.h ptrigtbl.h \
+ pvadd.h pvinterp.h pvoc.h pvread.h repluck.h revsets.h scot.h \
+ sfheader.h shaker.h singwave.h sndwarp.h sort.h soundio.h spectra.h \
+ sysdep.h ugens1.h ugens2.h ugens3.h ugens4.h ugens5.h ugens6.h \
+ ugens7.h ugens8.h ugens9.h ugensa.h ugrw1.h ugrw2.h vdelay.h \
+ version.h vibraphn.h vpvoc.h wave.h wavegde.h winEPS.h windin.h \
+ cwindow.h mandolin.h space.h locsig.h dcblockr.h pvocext.h flanger.h \
+ lowpassr.h uggab.h biquad.h schedule.h midiops3.h pitch.h text.h \
+ ugsc.h fout.h sndinfUG.h scansyn.h sf.h sfont.h sfenum.h sftype.h \
+ vbap.h control.h bowedbar.h phisem.h sdif.h sdif-mem.h babo.h \
+ ugmoss.h bbcut.h spat3d.h pstream.h pvfileio.h pvxanal.h oscbnk.h \
+ scansynx.h oscils.h wave-terrain.h clfilt.h midiinterop.h opcode.h
+PROGS = csound
+SUBDIRS = anals utils1 utils2 utils3
+all: $(PROGS) $(SUBDIRS) #must be run in this order
+csound: $(COBJS) $(CSUM) $(CDEP) csound.xmg
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o csound $(COBJS) $(LIBS)
+ etags $(CSRCS) $(HDRS)
+csound.a: $(COBJS) $(CDEP)
+ -rm csound.a
+ ar q csound.a $(COBS)
+ -ranlib csound.a
+xmg: American.xmg English.xmg csound.xmg
+American.xmg: all_strings makedb
+ ./makedb all_strings American
+English.xmg: english-strings makedb
+ ./makedb english-strings English
+csound.xmg: all_strings English.xmg
+ cp English.xmg csound.xmg
+# cp American.xmg csound.xmg
+makedb: makedb.c text.h
+ $(CC) -o makedb makedb.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c -o $*.o
+ADSYNS = hetro #targets in anal/adsyn
+LPCS = lpanal #targets in anal/lpc
+PVOCS = pvanal #targets in anal/pvoc
+ANALS = adsyns $(ADSYNS) lpcs $(LPCS) pvocs $(PVOCS) #targets in anal
+anals $(ANALS):
+ cd anal; $(MAKE) $@
+SCOTS = scots #targets in util1/scot
+CSCORES = cscores #targets in util1/cscore
+SORTEXS = scsort extract #targets in util1/sortex
+UTILS1 = $(SCOTS) $(CSCORES) sortexs $(SORTEXS) #targets in util1
+utils1 $(UTILS1): natben.o
+ cd util1; $(MAKE) $@
+UTILS2 = sndinfos scale mixers extractor envelope pvlook dnoise srconv #targets in util2
+utils2 $(UTILS2):
+ cd util2; $(MAKE) $@
+UTIL3 = sdif2adsyn.c sdif.c sdif-mem.c
+UTILS3 = sdif2ad
+utils3: $(UTILS3)
+sdif2ad: sdif2adsyn.o sdif.o sdif-mem.o
+ $(CC) sdif2adsyn.o sdif.o sdif-mem.o -o sdif2ad
+install: $(PROGS) $(CSA) csound.a sdif2ad
+ -strip $(PROGS)
+ -rm $(DEST)/csound
+ cp $(PROGS) $(DEST)
+ -rm $(LIB)/libcsound.a
+ -cp csound.a $(LIB)/libcsound.a
+ cd anal; $(MAKE) install
+ cd util1; $(MAKE) install
+ cd util2; $(MAKE) install
+ -cp sdif2ad $(DEST)/sdif2ad
+# cd util3; $(MAKE) install
+MANPP = csound hetro lpanal pvanal
+ -for i in $(MANPP); do rm -f $(CAT1)/$$i.1; done
+ -for i in $(MANPP); do cp man/$$ $(MAN1)/$$i.1; done
+ -rm $(COBS) cscormai.o dmain.o $(PROGS) $(CSA) dsound *.s
+ cd anal; $(MAKE) clean
+ cd util1; $(MAKE) clean
+ cd util2; $(MAKE) clean
+ cd testfils; rm -f core score.xtr
+ cd tutofils; rm -f core score.xtr
+ cd scorfils; rm -f core score.xtr
+ cd morefils; rm -f core score.xtr
+ cd midifils; rm -f core score.xtr
+ cd analfils; rm -f core pv.medlab
+ cd cscofils; rm -f core cscore csound *.o *.out *.srt
+ -rm *.bak *~
+ cd anal; $(MAKE) rmbak
+ cd util1; $(MAKE) rmbak
+ cd util2; $(MAKE) rmbak
+ cd man; rm -f *.bak *~
+ cd testfils; rm -f *.bak *~
+ cd tutofils; rm -f *.bak *~
+ cd scorfils; rm -f *.bak *~
+ cd morefils; rm -f *.bak *~
+ cd midifils; rm -f *.bak *~
+ cd cscofils; rm -f *.bak *~
+CSLinux.bin.tgz: /usr/local/bin/csound /usr/local/bin/hetro \
+ /usr/local/bin/lpanal /usr/local/bin/pvanal /usr/local/bin/scot \
+ /usr/local/bin/scsort /usr/local/bin/extract /usr/local/bin/sndinfo \
+ /usr/local/bin/scale /usr/local/bin/mixer /usr/local/bin/extractor \
+ /usr/local/bin/envext /usr/local/bin/pvlook /usr/local/bin/sdif2ad \
+ /usr/local/bin/dnoise /usr/local/bin/srconv
+ (cd /usr/local/bin; tar cvzf ~/csound/CSLinux.bin.tgz csound \
+ hetro lpanal pvanal scot scsort extract sndinfo scale mixer \
+ extractor envext pvlook sdif2ad dnoise srconv)
+Csound.tar.gz: all_files \
+ $(CSRCS) $(HDRS) \
+ LINUXaudio.c DECaudio.c DECplay.c HPplay.c DECaudio.h \
+ DECplay.h SGIplay.c anal/adsyn/main.c anal/adsyn/makef anal/lpc/main.c \
+ anal/lpc/makef anal/makef anal/makef anal/pvoc/main.c anal/pvoc/makef \
+ Makefile.sol cscofils/combine.c cscofils/default.c cscofils/pulse.c \
+ cscofils/sine.orc cscofils/sine.sco cscofils/switch.c cscofils/test.c \
+ cscofils/test2.c cscofils/README cscofils/aliases cscormai.c Makefile \
+ util1/cscore/makef util1/makef util1/scot/main.c util1/scot/makef \
+ util1/sortex/makef util1/sortex/smain.c util1/sortex/xmain.c \
+ util2/envext/envext.c util2/envext/makef util2/exports/Makefile \
+ util2/exports/het_export.c util2/exports/het_import.c \
+ util2/exports/lpc_export.c util2/exports/pv_export.c \
+ util2/exports/pv_import.c util2/makef util2/mixer/makef \
+ util2/mixer/mixer.c util2/mixer/xtrct.c util2/mkgraph/fg.h \
+ util2/mkgraph/fgdemo.c util2/mkgraph/mkgraph.c util2/scale.dir/makef \
+ util2/scale.dir/scale.c util2/sndinfo/main.c \
+ util2/sndinfo/makef util2/pvlook.dir/makef winSGI.c winbor.c winwat.c winfg.c
+ tar cvf - `cat all_files` | gzip > Csound.tar.gz
+distrib: all Csound.tar.gz
+ cp MUSIC/csound/Csound.tar.gz ~ftp/pub/dream
+ cp MUSIC/csound/csound ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/anal/hetro ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/anal/lpanal ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/anal/pvanal ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util1/scot/scot ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util1/cscore/cscore.a ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util1/sortex/extract ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util1/sortex/scsort ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/envext/envext ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/exports/het_import ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/exports/het_export ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/exports/pv_import ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/exports/pv_export ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/exports/lpc_export ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/mixer/mixer ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/mixer/extractot ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/scale.dir/scale ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ cp MUSIC/csound/util2/sndinfo/sndinfo ~ftp/pub/dream/SGI
+ gcc -M $(DEFINES) $(CSRCS) $(CSMS) $(UTIL3) > deps
+ cat Makefile deps > makefile