path: root/cluster/openmosix-tools
diff options
authorroot2006-04-24 09:03:08 -0500
committerroot2006-04-24 09:03:08 -0500
commit84d8b510ac289af0a43bfa9e110844af27a90196 (patch)
treed7093929b954dd2f71114bff270755e18f737eb1 /cluster/openmosix-tools
initial commit from stable 0.3
Diffstat (limited to 'cluster/openmosix-tools')
8 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/BUILD b/cluster/openmosix-tools/BUILD
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6db6ff8bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+./configure --build=$BUILD \
+ --prefix=${INSTALL_ROOT}/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc \
+ --localstatedir=${INSTALL_ROOT}/var \
+ --with-kerneldir=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/ \
+ $OPTS &&
+make_single &&
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/CONFIGURE b/cluster/openmosix-tools/CONFIGURE
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..653f7bbbf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/CONFIGURE
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if ! grep -q "NODES=" $SPELL_CONFIG; then
+ message "\nAll nodes MUST be valid addresses and if not numeric, then MUST be in /etc/hosts \n\t
+${QUERY_COLOR}Please enter a space-seperated list of participating nodes${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+ read -t ${PROMPT_DELAY} -e
+ NODES=${REPLY:=""}
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/DEPENDS b/cluster/openmosix-tools/DEPENDS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2768d62eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/DEPENDS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+depends psmisc
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/DETAILS b/cluster/openmosix-tools/DETAILS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..24128d9d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/DETAILS
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ SPELL=openmosix-tools
+ VERSION=0.3.5
+ SOURCE=${SPELL}-${VERSION}.tar.bz2
+ MD5[0]=ac030a4e74e8e9d9bd42544516d8874f
+ ENTERED=20021115
+ UPDATED=20031201
+ SHORT="Userland tools for the openMosix clustering system"
+cat << EOF
+openMosix is a Linux kernel extension for single-system image clustering. Taking n PC boxes,
+openMosix gives users and applications the illusion of one single computer with n CPUs.
+openMosix is perfectly scalable and adaptive.
+This spell will enable openMosix on this machine. Cast it on every other machine in the cluster.
+This spell requires the openMosix kernel patch to be applied, and for each kernel to be built
+with the same openMosix configuration.
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/HISTORY b/cluster/openmosix-tools/HISTORY
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ae7aceb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/HISTORY
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+2005-03-17 Eric Sandall <>
+ Added BUILD_API=2
+ Changed LICENSE to LICENSE[0]
+ * BUILD: Converted to build_api 2
+ Run make_normal before make
+ Removed TABs
+ * INSTALL: Branched from BUILD
+ Converted to build_api 2
+ Run make_normal before install
+ * HISTORY: Formatted to Guru Handbook
+2004-05-12 Eric Sandall <>
+ * CONFIGURE: Use "-t $PROMPT_DELAY" for reads (Bug #6598)
+2003-12-14 hgg <>
+ * BUILD: use /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build for kernel dir
+2003-12-01 hgg <>
+ * DETAILS: update to 0.3.5
+2003-11-05 hgg <>
+ * init.d/*: PROGRAM=/bin/true not /usr/bin/true
+2003-10-05 hgg <>
+ * DEPENDS,CONFIGURE,init.d/*: Update to simpleinit, alter CONFIGURE for
+ hints, add psmisc to DEPENDS (for killall)
+ * DETAILS: Update UPDATED (no-one complained it has been broken for a
+ month, i assume it is unused ATM)
+2003-07-04 hgg <>
+ * DETAILS: Updated to 0.3.4
+2003-06-18 Eric Sandall <>
+ * DETAILS: Updated to 0.3.3
+2003-05-01 Rob Verkuylen <>
+ * init.d/*: Step 1/3 in bug#: 3115
+2003-02-24 Eric Schabell <>
+ * BUILD: Update BUILD to work correctly with librunlevels for .sh script
+ install.
+2003-02-11 Eric Sandall <>
+ * DETAILS: Added MAKE_NJOBS=1, as it fails with a tested 4
+ * Added to cluster
+2002-11-14 Chris Brien <>
+ * Initial version
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/INSTALL b/cluster/openmosix-tools/INSTALL
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3c8c822fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+make_normal &&
+make install &&
+(( i = 1 )) &&
+for NODE in $NODES; do
+ echo "$i $NODE 1" >> /etc/
+ (( i++ ))
+done &&
+if [ -e /etc/init.d/openmosix ]; then
+ rm -f /etc/init.d/openmosix
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/init.d/openmosix b/cluster/openmosix-tools/init.d/openmosix
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..63b13259dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/init.d/openmosix
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+NEEDS="+remote_fs +network +portmap"
+. /etc/init.d/smgl_init
+if ! [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]
+then mkdir -p /var/lock/subsys/
+# Init file for openMosix
+# config: /etc/
+# config: /etc/openmosix/openmosix.config
+# Define some variables pointing to openMosix's necessary executables
+# which should be found in the userland-tools
+# Variables used for info, warning and error messages
+# Some standard hints: useful for pointing people to the right place
+# before bugging anyone on the mailing lists ;-)
+HINT_WEBSITE="$OM_MSG_HINT have you read the docs at ?"
+HINT_RECOMPILE_KERNEL="$OM_MSG_HINT need to recompile your kernel with openMosix support enabled?"
+HINT_BOOT_MANAGER="$OM_MSG_HINT need to update your boot manager (lilo, grub, etc)?"
+HINT_USERLAND_TOOLS="$OM_MSG_HINT have you installed the userland-tools?"
+HINT_DEPRECATED_MAP="$OM_MSG_HINT # mv /etc/ /etc/"
+# If we're not running an openMosix enabled kernel: exit
+if [ ! -d /proc/hpc ]; then
+ echo "$OM_MSG_ERR Cannot find the /proc/hpc directory."
+ echo "$OM_MSG_ERR Looks like this is not an openMosix enabled kernel."
+ echo "$OM_MSG_ERR Configuration ABORTED."
+ echo "$HINT_WEBSITE"
+ exit 1
+# Find the openMosix map-file if any exists,
+# otherwise fall back to using the autodiscovery daemon
+if [ -f /etc/ ]; then
+ OMOSIX_MAP=/etc/
+ echo "Using map file /etc/"
+elif [ -f /etc/ ]; then
+ OMOSIX_MAP=/etc/
+ echo " Using map file /etc/"
+ echo "$OM_MSG_WARN map-file /etc/ is DEPRECATED"
+elif [ -f /etc/ ]; then
+ OMOSIX_MAP=/etc/
+ echo " Using map-file /etc/"
+ echo "$OM_MSG_WARN map-file /etc/ is DEPRECATED"
+ echo "No map-file found."
+ echo "Falling back to autodiscovery mode using $OMDISCD"
+# Check the map-file for sanity
+if [ $AUTODISC -eq 0 ]; then
+ $SETPE -c -f $OMOSIX_MAP &> /dev/null
+ if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "$OM_MSG_WARN Invalid configuration in map-file $OMOSIX_MAP"
+ echo "Falling back to autodiscovery mode using $OMDISCD"
+ fi
+# Source the configuration from /etc/openmosix/openmosix.config
+# This file would be a good place to force autodiscovery by setting AUTODISC=1
+[ -f /etc/openmosix/openmosix.config ] && . /etc/openmosix/openmosix.config
+# Make sure we have omdiscd installed
+if [ $AUTODISC -eq 1 ]; then
+ if [ ! -x $OMDISCD ]; then
+ echo "$OM_MSG_ERR cannot find executable file $OMDISCD"
+ echo "$OM_MSG_ERR $OMDISCD is not installed."
+ echo "$HINT_WEBSITE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+stop() {
+ echo "Stopping openMosix..."
+ # Expel all processes
+ $MOSCTL expel
+ evaluate_retval
+ # disable openMosix configuration
+ $SETPE -off
+ evaluate_retval
+ # kill any autodiscovery deamon if running
+ killall -TERM omdiscd &> /dev/null
+ evaluate_retval
+ # remove lock file
+ rm -f /var/lock/subsys/openmosix
+ evaluate_retval
+start() {
+ echo "Initializing openMosix..."
+ # $AUTODISCIF and $NODESPEED can be set to desired values
+ # in /etc/openmosix/openmosix.config
+ [ $OVERHEADS ] && echo $OVERHEADS > /proc/hpc/admin/overheads
+ [ $MFSCOSTS ] && echo $MFSCOSTS > /proc/hpc/admin/mfscosts
+ if [ $AUTODISC -eq 0 ]; then
+ # Make sure we have setpe installed
+ if [ ! -x $SETPE ]; then
+ echo "$OM_MSG_ERR cannot find executable file $SETPE"
+ echo "$OM_MSG_ERR $SETPE is not installed."
+ echo "$HINT_WEBSITE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Static configuration via $OMOSIX_MAP
+ evaluate_retval
+ else
+ # Configure openMosix with the omdiscd
+ # we have already checked that omdiscd exists and is executable
+ # so we just need to invoke it
+ evaluate_retval
+ fi
+ if [ $MIGRATE ]; then
+ if [ $MIGRATE == "yes" ]; then
+ $MOSCTL -lstay
+ evaluate_retval
+ $MOSCTL -stay
+ evaluate_retval
+ else
+ $MOSCTL lstay
+ evaluate_retval
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $BLOCK ]; then
+ if [ $BLOCK == "yes" ]; then
+ $MOSCTL block
+ evaluate_retval
+ else
+ $MOSCTL -block
+ evaluate_retval
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $MFS ]; then
+ if [ $MFS == "yes" ]; then
+ $MOSCTL mfs
+ evaluate_retval
+ else
+ $MOSCTL nomfs
+ evaluate_retval
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ # if everything went ok, put a lock file into /var/lock/subsys
+ touch /var/lock/subsys/openmosix
+ # allow process migration now
+ [ ! $BLOCK ] && $MOSCTL noblock 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+ # set speed of node if specified in the .config file
+ [ $NODESPEED ] && $MOSCTL setspeed $NODESPEED 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "openMosix configuration was successful :)"
+ else
+ # print error message
+ echo "openMosix configuration failed :("
+ fi
diff --git a/cluster/openmosix-tools/ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..298db5de25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster/openmosix-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# ===================
+# Each line should contain 3 fields, mapping IP addresses to MOSIX node-numbers:
+# 1) first MOSIX node-number in range.
+# 2) IP address of the above node (or node-name from /etc/hosts).
+# 3) number of nodes in this range.
+# Example: 10 machines with IP -
+# 1 10
+# MOSIX-# IP number-of-nodes
+# ============================