diff options
authorEric Sandall2016-09-19 22:58:31 -0700
committerEric Sandall2016-09-19 22:58:31 -0700
commite34bf01832a28895fa30ffdb01f1e1b8fc941362 (patch)
parent6885d7b7f351cac6e346aa40f3389272b299e891 (diff)
linux-cpupower: Linux power management tool
May replace cpufreqd.
12 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index a721ada858..ca67329540 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2016-09-08 Eric Sandall <>
+ * kernels/linux-cpupower: Linux power management tool (may replace
+ cpufreqd).
2016-09-05 Ismael Luceno <>
* devel/colm: new spell, Colm Programming Language
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/BUILD b/kernels/linux-cpupower/BUILD
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..eeae46831b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Build only cpupower
+cd linux-${VERSION%.*}/tools/power/cpupower/ &&
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/CONFLICTS b/kernels/linux-cpupower/CONFLICTS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7d6a61002a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/CONFLICTS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+conflicts cpufreqd
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/DEPENDS b/kernels/linux-cpupower/DEPENDS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..51011da738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/DEPENDS
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+depends DEVICE-MANAGER &&
+depends LZMA &&
+depends pciutils &&
+depends perl &&
+depends sysfsutils
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/DETAILS b/kernels/linux-cpupower/DETAILS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8976efa4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/DETAILS
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ SPELL=linux-cpupower
+# Linux kernel version containing the cpupower tool source
+ VERSION=4.7.4
+ SOURCE=linux-${VERSION%.*}.tar.xz
+ SOURCE2=linux-${VERSION%.*}.tar.sign
+ SOURCE_URL[0]=${KERNEL_URL}/pub/linux/kernel/v${VERSION%%.*}.x/${SOURCE}
+# Uncompressed tarball is signed
+ SOURCE2_URL[0]=${KERNEL_URL}/pub/linux/kernel/v${VERSION%%.*}.x/${SOURCE2}
+ SOURCE_GPG="kernel.gpg:${SOURCE/.xz/.sign}:UPSTREAM_HASH"
+ SOURCE2_IGNORE='signature'
+# If not a .0 release, download the patch
+if [[ "${VERSION##*.}" != '0' ]]; then
+ SOURCE3=patch-${VERSION}.xz
+ SOURCE4=patch-${VERSION}.sign
+ SOURCE3_URL[0]=${KERNEL_URL}/pub/linux/kernel/v${VERSION%%.*}.x/${SOURCE3}
+ SOURCE4_URL[0]=${KERNEL_URL}/pub/linux/kernel/v${VERSION%%.*}.x/${SOURCE4}
+ SOURCE3_GPG="kernel.gpg:${SOURCE3/.xz/.sign}:UPSTREAM_HASH"
+ SOURCE4_IGNORE='signature'
+ KEYWORDS="power"
+ ENTERED=20160908
+ SHORT=""
+cat << EOF
+"libcpupower" is a library which offers a unified access method for userspace
+tools and programs to the cpufreq core and drivers in the Linux kernel. This
+allows for code reduction in userspace tools, a clean implementation of
+the interaction to the cpufreq core, and support for both the sysfs and proc
+"cpupower" is a tool to examine and manage your processor's power saving
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/HISTORY b/kernels/linux-cpupower/HISTORY
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6cd956cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/HISTORY
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+2016-09-08 Eric Sandall <>
+ * Created spell, a modern replacement of cpufreqd.
+ This would be better done to use the existing installed linux files.
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/INSTALL b/kernels/linux-cpupower/INSTALL
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ecc5ee1d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DESTDIR="${INSTALL_ROOT}" make install
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/PRE_BUILD b/kernels/linux-cpupower/PRE_BUILD
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fe33cd556f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/PRE_BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# signs the uncompressed files...
+mk_source_dir "${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}" &&
+# Make sure our target doesn't exist before uncompressing
+if [[ -f "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE/.xz}" ]]; then
+ rm "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE/.xz}"
+fi &&
+unxz -k "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE}" &&
+# Fake new SOURCE for unpack_file and verify_file
+SOURCE=${SOURCE/.xz} &&
+verify_file '' &&
+unpack_file '' &&
+# Clean up
+message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Removing temporary ${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE}...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
+rm "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE}" &&
+# Subdirectory
+cd linux-${VERSION%.*} &&
+# If not a .0 release, apply the patch
+if [[ "${VERSION##*.}" != '0' ]]; then
+ message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Applying patch for ${VERSION}...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
+ # Make sure our target doesn't exist before uncompressing
+ if [[ -f "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE3/.xz}" ]]; then
+ rm "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE3/.xz}"
+ fi &&
+ unxz -k "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE3}" &&
+ # Fake new SOURCE3 for unpack_file and verify_file
+ SOURCE3=${SOURCE3/.xz} &&
+ verify_file '3' &&
+ patch -p1 < "${SOURCE_CACHE}/${SOURCE3}" &&
+ # Clean up
+ message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Removing temporary ${SOURCE_CACHE3}/${SOURCE}...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
+fi &&
+# Fix copying of symlinks
+sed -i 's:cp -fpR:cp -d:' "${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}"/linux-${VERSION%.*}/tools/power/cpupower/Makefile
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/init.d/cpupowerd b/kernels/linux-cpupower/init.d/cpupowerd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f0ccc99740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/init.d/cpupowerd
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Source Mage init.d install information
+# Startup script for cpupower.
+# `/usr/bin/cpupower frequency-set` fails to work
+DESC="CPU Power Tool"
+. /etc/init.d/smgl_init
+. /etc/sysconfig/cpupowerd
+required_executable $PROGRAM
+ # From
+ params=''
+ if [[ "${governor}" ]]; then
+ grep -qw "${governor}" /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors || modprobe -q cpufreq_${governor}
+ if [[ "${governor}" != "userspace" ]] && [[ "${freq}" ]]; then
+ echo "Error: freq needs userspace governor"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ params="-g ${governor} "
+ params+="${min_freq:+-d $min_freq} "
+ params+="${max_freq:+-u $max_freq} "
+ params+="${freq:+-f $freq} "
+ else
+ echo "Governer isn't set."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Starting $DESC: $NAME ${params}"
+ loadproc $PROGRAM ${params}
+ evaluate_retval
+ echo "Stopping $DESC: $NAME "
+ killproc $PROGRAM
+ evaluate_retval
+ statusproc $PROGRAM
+ #
+ # If the "reload" option is implemented, move the "force-reload"
+ # option to the "reload" entry above. If not, "force-reload" is
+ # just the same as "restart".
+ #
+ echo "Restarting $DESC: $NAME"
+ stop
+ sleep 1
+ start
diff --git a/kernels/linux-cpupower/init.d/cpupowerd.conf b/kernels/linux-cpupower/init.d/cpupowerd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58d6a8aa16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/linux-cpupower/init.d/cpupowerd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Config file for cpupower
+# Valid governors: ondemand, performance, powersave, conservative, userspace
+# Limit frequency range (optional)
+# valid suffixes: Hz, kHz (default), MHz, GHz, THz
+# Set the exact cpu frequency via the userspace governor
diff --git a/mobile/cpufreqd/CONFLICTS b/mobile/cpufreqd/CONFLICTS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..200064ff06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/cpufreqd/CONFLICTS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+conflicts linux-cpupower
diff --git a/mobile/cpufreqd/HISTORY b/mobile/cpufreqd/HISTORY
index 481c49673a..b7556735df 100644
--- a/mobile/cpufreqd/HISTORY
+++ b/mobile/cpufreqd/HISTORY
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+2016-09-08 Eric Sandall <>
+ * CONFLICTS: Conflicts with new linux-cpupower (replacement).
2015-05-25 Thomas Orgis <>
* DETAILS: remove SOURCEFORGE_URL usage (automated)