path: root/php-pear/php-dev/DEPENDS
blob: 1f039efefe88a988e4b0364f2c516053b11299cc (plain) (tree)












depends subversion &&

depends  flex    &&
depends  readline "--with-readline=/usr" &&

# Officially ZLib is optional, but we require it because some other
# optional extensions depend on it, and it"s omnipresent anyway.
depends  zlib  "--with-zlib --with-zlib-dir=/usr"  &&

# This is required since PHP 5
depends  libxml2  '--enable-xml --with-dom --with-xmlrpc'  &&

#This is required since PHP 6
depends icu  &&

case  "$PHP4_APACHE"  in
  handler)  depends  APACHE;;
  filter)   depends  APACHE2;;
esac  &&

if [ "$PHP5_X11LIBS" == "y" ]; then
      depends xorg-libs  &&
      depends libxpm
fi  &&

if [ "$PHP5_GD" == "external" ]; then
      depends  gd  "--with-gd=/usr --enable-gd-native-ttf" 
fi &&

optional_depends  C-CLIENT            \
                  "--with-imap"       \
                  "--without-imap"    \
                  "for IMAP support"  \
                  z-rejected          &&
optional_depends  MAIL-TRANSPORT-AGENT  \
                  ""                    \
                  ""                    \
                  "for SMTP support"    &&

optional_depends  bzip2                      \
                  "--with-bz2=/usr"          \
                  "--without-bz2"            \
                  "for compression support"  &&

optional_depends  aspell                    \
                  "--with-pspell=/usr"      \
                  "--without-pspell"        \
                  "for spelling functions"  &&

optional_depends  mhash                         \
                  "--with-mhash=/usr"           \
                  "--without-mhash"             \
                  "for hash functions support"  &&

optional_depends  mcrypt                \
                  "--with-mcrypt=/usr"  \
                  "--without-mcrypt"    \
                  "for crypto library"  &&

optional_depends  libmcal                         \
                  "--with-mcal=/usr"              \
                  "--without-mcal"                \
                  "for MCAL calendaring library"  &&

optional_depends  curl                                       \
                  "--with-curl=/usr"                         \
                  "--without-curl"                           \
                  "for transferring files using URL syntax"  &&

optional_depends  gmp                                    \
                  "--with-gmp=/usr"                      \
                  "--without-gmp"                        \
                  "GNU multi precision library support"  &&

optional_depends  SSL                \
                  "--with-opennssl=/usr"  \
                  "--without-opennssl"    \
                  "for OpenSSL support"  &&

optional_depends  gettext                    \
                  "--with-gettext=/usr"      \
                  "--without-gettext"        \
                  "for GNU gettext support"  &&

optional_depends firebird                      \
                 '--with-pdo-firebird=/opt/firebird' \
                 '--without-pdo-firebird'          \
                 'for native Firebird support' &&

optional_depends unixodbc                       \
                 '--with-unixODBC=/usr'         \
                 '--without-unixODBC'           \
                 'for ODBC database support'    &&

optional_depends libiodbc                       \
                 '--with-iodbc=/usr'            \
                 '--without-iobc'               \
                 'for ODBC database support'    &&

optional_depends  postgresql                       \
                  "--with-pgsql=/usr"              \
                  "--without-pgsql"                \
                  "for native Postgresql support"  &&

optional_depends  MYSQL                       \
                  "--with-mysql=/usr"         \
                  "--without-mysql"           \
                  "for native MySQL support"  &&

optional_depends  gdbm                                            \
                  "--with-gdbm=/usr"                              \
                  "--without-gdbm"                                \
                  "database routines that use extensive hashing"  &&

optional_depends  sqlite                                          \
                  '--with-sqlite --enable-sqlite-utf8'            \
                  '--without-sqlite'                              \
                  'for SQLite support'                            &&

optional_depends  mm                                              \
                  "--with-mm=/usr"                                \
                  "--without-mm"                                  \
                  "for sharing memory between related processes"  &&

optional_depends  openldap            \
                  "--with-ldap=/usr"  \
                  "--without-ldap"    \
                  "for LDAP support"  &&

optional_depends  libxslt                                       \
                  "--with-dom-xslt=/usr --with-dom-exslt=/usr"  \
                  "--without-dom-xslt --without-dom-exslt"      \
                  "for DOM XSLT support"                        &&

optional_depends  t1lib                            \
                  "--with-t1lib=/usr/share/t1lib"  \
                  "--without-tlib"                 \
                  "for t1lib support"              &&

optional_depends  JPEG                                       \
                  "--with-jpeg-dir=/usr"                     \
                  "--without-jpeg-dir"                       \
                  "for JPEG support (also required for GD)"  &&

optional_depends  libpng                                    \
                  "--with-png-dir=/usr"                     \
                  "--without-png-dir"                       \
                  "for PNG support (also required for GD)"  &&

optional_depends  re2c                         \
                  ""                           \
                  ""                           \
                  "to regenerate PHP parsers"  &&

if [ "$PHP5_GD" != "none" ]; then
                  optional_depends  freetype2 \
                  "--with-freetype-dir=/usr" \
                  "--without-freetype-dir"       \
                  "for freetype2 support"